I’ve found if you answer honestly, people will eventually stop asking and the silence as I walk into the office each morning is PURE BLISS!
I caught the comments earlier today under your username and immediately flagged. I’m sorry they are doing this.
Muting the TV is the *only* way to peacefully meander through Netflix if you don’t know exactly what you want to watch.
I needed to start the day with happy tears for a change! This did the trick!!
The lack of green apron is a huge detail I hadn’t even noticed. You’ve convinced me!
There were both beer and wine served in at least one of the Seattle locations. Not sure if they still serve them, but for a time, they did.
Worse yet, it seems to have created an account specifically to cry about this post.
Agreed and double flagged.
Adding another voice to your choir. As I’ve said before, Thandie Newton made this show for me. The cinematography was achingly beautiful and the music hit every note in every scene, but Maeve is what kept me coming back each week.
I’ve heard of candy floss, and while I think it is an abomination, I accept that it is sometimes used.
Even on work days and I’m never happier to have my own office than when I accidentally hit it a little too hard before work.
I agree with both of your points, but I am very impressed with what a little makeup, contacts and hair color can do. The voice, though? Yeah, she was fine in Chicago, but her voice is not in the same realm as Judy Garland’s.
This is a reasonable reaction to this news and exactly mirrors my own.
Whoops! You are completely correct. Durrr.
Interesting that excluded methadone from this of this chart. For a while, a methadone/benzo combo was the number one accidental overdose in the WA/OR area.
I can’t guess where you might work, but I envy your proximity to In N Out more than anything! Washington has zero locations.