Noisy Pip

In my experience, female cats love one person and one person only. They can sometimes tolerate a small entourage of others, but for the most part, they hate every human other than their chosen one and will attempt to kill the other humans at some point.

I’ve never seen that outtakes video. My heart! My HEART! Too many warm fuzzy feelings.

With the exception of your last question, I’ve always wanted to know, too. How does the bidet work? You’d still need to dry, so do you use clean towels for that?

I’ll probably get around to it, in time. I only tried Qdoba in the last year and they’ve been here (Seattle area) forever. Qdoba was....meh. I am opposed to onions in my guacamole and they lost me right there because their guacamole was essentially onions and avocado with nothing else.

Have you tried Uncle Dan’s Original Southern Classic Ranch mix? I don’t think anyone could ever go back to Hidden Valley Ranch after trying it. It’s that good, whether you follow the salad dressing or the dip directions.

Uncle Dan’s Original Southern Classic Ranch Mix is still the go-to ranch dressing or dip in my house. Dressing includes buttermilk, dip includes sour cream, both include mayo and the seasoning packet.

It’s weird, but it’s a restaurant (Fast food? I don’t even know for sure.) that has never been on my radar. I don’t care much for chipotle itself and assumed they would serve the TexMex/SW flavors that just don’t do a thing for me.

Another great one! At least 60% of my childhood memories are tied to Emmylou. I’m always grateful my parents adored her.

It perfectly describes my dance moves, as well.

Bonus points for “hypnotic spasticity.”

Now playing

I’ll see your amazing Bonnie Raitt and raise you an Emmylou Harris. Even live, her voice is perfection.

Truth. I looked at the girl in your image for at least three seconds wondering why anyone would use their x-ray specs on a robot.

Username synergy!

And I read his question wrong to double up on the doh!

I had the same thought as I was typing my reply, but I decided I cannot give them that much credit or I would have to accept we are completely and utterly fucked. Sigh. You may be onto something...

I like your take, but mine is even simpler (read: lazier). No need to share clothing or food with your clone when everyone around you simply believes exactly what you’d have them believe.

Surely armed teachers and learning behind locked doors and unscalable fences should do the trick to reduce their fear, yes? /s

The correct superpower is always mind control.

People see what you present to them, though. At least the ones that matter do. Maybe that is too cliche and I do understand where you are coming from; I don’t mean to dismiss it.

I’ll bet your partner thinks you are hot and sexy and all the stuff. He’s probably pretty smart and you should definitely trust his judgment!!