
I was discussing this topic in our laboratory earlier this year. We were discussing rice allergies and why you don’t see them in Asia. What happen in the past was that all of those kids, who died early on, were lumped into a big category of those who didn’t thrive or died of unknown causes. So there were children

About the same number as men who go by the name “dick” (Dick Clark). ‘peter”, “roger” (ask someone British), or have the last name ‘johnson”?

This is fascinating.... Today I was listening to Stevie Wonder’s Living For the City and I realized I have never heard my people referred to anything other than black in song lyrics. I associate African American with leisure suits, burnt orange and avocado as colors for appliances, and bureaucrats. My guess is that

Out of curiosity, who told you this.... Being black for more that 50 something years, I only remember black people refer to themselves as Negro back in the mid 60's?

Here is the the thing.... the NACP has its initials for decades, most white people have nothing to do with the United Negro College fund, and people I know have not seen “Negro” in print for thirty years ( I once dared someone to find the last time the New York Times referred to someone as Negro; they dropped the term

Frankly I’m with you.... I would prefer people not do anything which would require me to wash my hands after touching what they touched. Granted I used to draw human blood so I’m a little over aware of body fluids as biohazards. I should add everyone is aware of what they are doing if they have a sense of smell...

An odd comment for a day when we are celebrating the past i.e. 4th of July 1776...

One set of fond memories: when I was in the third grade, my policeman father came to my school and taught my class how to cross at street lights. Later, when he was a detective, he needed to retrieve something from work and started to jaywalk from the parking lot to the county building. I reminded him about what he

I probably should mention (I work in a parasite lab) that you can’t develop an immunity to parasites; for the most part, they have so thwarted our immune systems that people with the strongest immune systems are most susceptible to parasites... quickly check the web for schistosomiasis and immunocompromised people.

Is this a possible answer: “Don’t understand why black people give a fuck.”.... “As a person who doesn’t give a fuck (mainly because I’m white enough to pass as white”?

I should mention that we don’t necessarily want those words back.

Or, conversely, she had done some hard living and the fitness regimen was a not enough to save her?

Now playing

i would describe her voice as delicate: this is my favorite of her performances:

When I was in grad school at UC Santa Cruz, our had and has unisex restrooms (big central area with sinks, stalls with doors, shower area with area to enter, stalls with curtains). It wasn’t a problem though I must confess we don’t have separate men’s and women’s bathrooms in my house either.


The argument could be that that is the problem: some of these artist not only act like they have a racial hall pass, they act like they own the whole school. Here we have a designer who creates a Potemkin village of ethnic styles but hires no ethnic models. He has painted outside the box and this is the health

The term “people of color”has a more prosaic origin; It comes from a french term; “gens de couleur libres” which means free people of color. French is reflexive; you don’t say the red chair, you say the chair red. Here is a nice history of the free people of color:… An

There is an element (actually the element I became aware of through a New York times article) was that the family was intentionally poorly informed about their mother’s illness and treatment so that researchers could call and get cell and tissue samples so that the people profiting could figure out what made her