
Let’s all take a moment to stop and appreciate the brilliance of the driver here.

The Government has a specified and finite role, and this isn’t it. A SMALL FRACTION of what they currently do is actually within their enumerated and limited powers.

As a corn farmer and a card-carrying member of the Big Corn Ethanol Conspiracy (TM), I have to ask what sources you can provide to back up your claim that using corn for ethanol production has had any effect on food prices.

The playing card one is the winner in my book. Because it’s not even something difficult. You just upload your art to the US Playing Card Co. website and give them cash. There’s no excuse for that guy not to have delivered beyond just being a horrible person.

It is out of proportion. I would rather have this instead.

I’d love to find a twin to my dad’s long gone ‘67 96 Monte Carlo-powered wagon... how I loved that little car!

My dad had one for a short time back in ‘69. Loved riding in that little smoker :)

If i’d had a cooler hipster helmet my jaw would be a bloody smear down the length of tower road and I’d look like some gruseome WWI veteran.

A buddy of mine was working in the ER years and they had a guy in his 50s come in from a low speed motorcycle accident (<20 MPH). Open face helmet and his face connected with a parking meter. It was so mangled that they could not find the slow bleed and he bled to death before they could do anything, though if he had

I’ve been riding more years that I can count. One night, a few of us were coming back, on the expressway, from somewhere and there was a group ahead of us (they’d passed us a few miles back) who had one rider go down after hitting some road debris. They were all standing around when we stopped to help. Someone had

You are very lucky to not have gone face first into the minivan. But yes, the chin bar is the most important part of the helmet!

yeah, i distinctly remember in one of my crashes, my face getting drug along the ground and that sound of rocks digging through plastic and looking at the road going past my face. Not fun.

xD love :D

Will they sell it in the US ?


I just had acid flashbacks

Hey good eye, you’re the very first person to mention it!

Hands down the best looking Corvette I’ve ever seen.