
I often cancelled, but not because I didnt want to comment. Its cause for whatever reason when I commented on a picture like 90% of the time it ether would not publish, or I could not load in an image, or very often i juct couldn’t type in the text box.

It was very frustrating

This is why FCA needs Plymouth again. HEAR ME OUT.

I agree, I love that trip. But the speed traps can be a bit much. Lisle too. But I have that shit down to a science, and it’s perfectly matched to my scion and it’s transmission. Even with the hills if I keep on top of appropriate down shifting before I lose too much momentum I can reliably pull about 40mpg. Highway

Ah see there’s your problem. 88 should be avoided at all times regardless if weather.

Backwoods in heavy snow is the best way to go! No traffic!

And come on its easy! You take rt 13 to cortland, jump on 81 north to Scarycuse, take the thruway till you get to rt 365, and take that shit through Rome, all the way through the adirondaks until it eventually and magically becomes route 8, take a left onto 9N

I thought the rear window had louvers.

Would be way better with louvers.

Stop by in Ithaca, I’ll buy you a beer, we can have a smoke at Carl Sagan’s Grave, and we can watch pretentious Cornell undergrads swarm around like zoo animals! you can even ride my 60mph 1978 puch moped!

Thats a sonett III

my personal favorite is the sonett II

I feel like the front end should channel more of this

I understand.

I’m trying desperately to find a picture of that peugeot

all i can find is a sketchy youtube video of a 4 engined one.

It was in NYC, maybe at second stroke...

I once rode a moped with a 1L engine

I also once rode a moped with 5 independent 50cc engines attached independently via the transmission. It was a peugeot i believe.

don’t underestimate the moped community

“it will always be a great alternative , but never superior , to RWD.”

B...b....but the glorious taunus v4.

Without that, what would 96s and sonetts even be

10/10 would sell possessions to buy pannel van

I’ve been fighting a strong desire for a PT cruiser.

Theyre awful cars, but you can buy a grandma owned one with at least 1.5 rocker panels and less than 100k on it for about what I spend on a good night of drinking and the associated pizza.

I mean its objectively not a good car. But for that cheap...

i want it in green

depends how expensive it is.

I think your spot on with the apple watch/own ever single iphone model crowd.

But the apple mass market is not just those people. I’ve used macs my entire academic/scientific career for my personal/ lug to work laptops/ previously desktops. I use linux primarily for work though.

Anyway there

After 2000 the greenhouse gets smaller and smaller.

The little uo turn of the back of the window, instead of the bottom being flat, and the ibcreased sloping of the windshield ruin it for me. I love the real vertical windshields the old 911 and like the saab 900 had. Its an aesthetic I really miss.

Stop with the crew cab fuck damnit! I want the full goodie bag of winches and diffs and electromagnetic wizbang but I only want two fucking doors.


Mazda? Nissan? Honda? Idk about them

shits wild