
Personal opinions and “facts and shit” aside

what flabberghasts me is educated individuals, calling republicans idiots for ignoring science in other facets of life, willingly ignoring a scientific consensus thats not half as muddy as that surrounding climate change or any other big ticket scientific hot topic, in favor

ok you get a pass. I just don’t want pure, glorious SAAB being dragged through the shitpile that is the DNC. As a Plant Pathologist (I make GMOs) at an Ivy League university, i’m in a unique spot where i’m quite liberal and appear on the outside to be in league with all the other organic food buying prius driving DNC


why did they ever take down the garden :(

I’m from central MA originally

got one of the EAST massachusetts decals on the back too, for good measure

in all honesty, my Scion. Seen here before wheel, tire, and other improvements.

With a nice wide straight pipe shes throaty, rumbly, and provides plenty of speed burps while shifting to keep me happy.

I bought her on the cheap from a client expecting a snoozefest commuter hatch with plastic everything but what i’ve

This is one of the few areas i have expertise in!

Its a hollow cylinder so actually the part 3D printed would be fairly strong, and i’ve done experiments with glass bead reinforced plastic in an FDM type of setup. With higher than average print temps and very thin ~.1mm layer heights it works well, not as well as glass

More likely ADHD. This kind of thing isn’t really bipolar disorder’s MO.

all I know is in lake effect country you get big snow tires and bigger balls

fiat chrysler drops all other brands and becomes Jeep when?

That protruding oil pan is getting scraped right off the scrambler as soon as someone actually “scrambles” it

This looks like the atrium of a community college built in the 80s

so we all go in together and buy a bunch of new batteries and old leafs and start a spec-leaf racing series

lets go!

You’re messing with a dark, dark corner of the internet friend.

Honestly, living where I do, a motorcycle is a 6 month toy maximum, and the fact that no harley comes in under ~7 grand is a major impediment.

Plus that giant radiator on the 500 means my scrambler dreams are bunk

No car i see regularly upsets me more than the Buick Encore.

its just.... ugh... something is wrong

colis de mixeur de tabarnak!

Jesum, jesum, jesum, je besoin d’un!

Cape Cod

Snow? check
Road salt? Ckeck
Potholes and crumbling infastructure? Check
Poverty? Check
Ocean on 3 sides? Check Check Check

you can always tell the tourists because they have rocker panels and floors

My dad and I once peeled the floor of his VW beetle by driving over a snow bank. Like a sardine can! it was actually

All the boys in Richibucto know that engine strokes are like golf strokes, and the closer you get to one stroke the closer you get to using straight explosions for everything.

you want yer two stroke marine diesels, a two stroke husky dirtbike, two stroke snow machine, two stroke quad bike for haulin fire wood, and a