
If the Mirages were bought up here they're still buried in the snow, I've never seen one.

As far as I can tell the only new cars sold in New England have been Scoobies, Audis for rich people, and crossovers. Crossovers everywhere!

Nice two year throwback

I stand by my statements. That car had so much soul. And me, a 6 foot 2 bastard, could have comfortable sex in the back.

I've tried that in a camry, it was better in the jetta.

1986 Ford Thunderbird Turbo


Seems legit.

I'd question anyone driving a monte carlo too

If your HDPE seats are melting (250-350 f) so is your jacket, likely your shirt, and most likely your hair (~300f)

Really no different than any other synthetic interior, specifically fake leathers... gah

It is off the road

its far more challenging than anything 98% of land rovers ever face, and probably 78% of Jeeps

On par with about 80% of bro trucks though, most of those guys park on the lawn which is also "off road"

I know, the bombardiers are amazing, I really wish it had developed into bombardier entering the civilian car/truck market.

Also those canadian Gwagens were badass too

Think you can get these in the US anywhere?

Dear VW

make this again

The timing of that money was important though.

In a slump people stop spending, so business stop spending, so none spends, and the theres no cash flow for anyone to ear, which tightens belts and budgets, and continues in a vicious cycle until we're greece. Thats when the government should act like a bank, and it did,

"culturally sensitive professors vote to change the OED"

"culturally sensitive professors vote to change the OED"

isn't that kind of how its always been?

Scientific terms and classifications change all the time cause some guy got a grant to address semantics consistency and needs to justify his job. So we all need to change. Its a pain in the ass but its how its always been,

you need:

a better mechanic to get inspections from

more rustoleum

50% of the time, it works every time

also, as i learned with some rocker panels, lack of body panel is better than thoroughly fucked up body panel

are you speaking from experience or from the books

cause i've lived in MA and NH and driven cars with actual, literal, holes in the floor or body panels that [assed just fine. As long as the rust isn't structural, and you don't have huge chunks hanging off you'd never get failed.

and a rattle can of rust0leum is usually

under appreciated post right here

holy balls good luck keeping the turbine going for more than 15 minutes

This shit gets hairy cause if you also take into consideration the fuel and huge amounts of electricity used to drill, pump, cart across the US in a train or across an ocean in a tanker, refine (lots of energy input there), truck again, and stick in a gas pump a gallon of gas != to a gallon of gas.

Shit gets real

Aww, I miss oldsmobile

The short version of what happened is: Mary Barra is weak right now as she tries to deal with one crisis and force through change ahead of a UAW negotiation. GM, which was primarily bailed out by taxpayers and unions (who took hits to save the company), is an easy target for hedge funds who want a huge stock buyback

i think it would be safe to say over the air software updates probably employ some pretty hefty encryption

...unless it were a GM product then it would surely be a plaintext file updated "over the air" via a CD they mail you