this is all about the tires
you even sneeze too close to my worn out bridgestones and my jeep tailspins
this is all about the tires
you even sneeze too close to my worn out bridgestones and my jeep tailspins
SO they made it look like its from forza 4?
Millenials have maybe five, ten years tops as the fixation of marketers and consumer-focused corporations. Then it'll be those members of Gen Z (currently 16-21) who will be in their crosshairs.
I have precisely zero patience for, or desire for bluetooth in my car.
I use an aux cable to play music, and the phone itself to take calls.
Holding the phone up to my head is no more distracting than talking through the radio with magic, i only use one hand while cruising anyway.
If i'm in town and need to shift often,…
like an aux input?
thats pretty standard machine to machine. You could plug in a phone, iPod, diskman, walkman, hell you could plug in a phonograph through a preamp, it would all work.
And aux impôts are dead easy to wire in.
i have no patience for bluetooth
This guys still hanging out at Boylston Station on the green line. If you never noticed its cause that station still uses edison bulbs or fucking gas light or something. Looks like a dungeon, and awesome dungeon.
Yeah, i mean its part of the red line, the mattapan high speed right? And the red line is most certainly a subway and not light rail.
It wins
I just hope we don't see the death of the real parking brake. Driving a standard in steep mountain country, having a lever parking brake to help not roll into tailgaters is invaluable
thats what the moose are for
No i would not
They only liked brown, diesel, manual horses and wagons
"During a storm it signals that we need to get the video camera out and go outside"
+1 internets for you. If your ever in central new york i'll buy you a beer
thats called natural selection
or at least it is up here in moose country
I've had cables snap, and the one on my jeep is all fucked up right now
but i've never had a parking break freeze, on my cars, Mrzs. Noise's cars, work trucks, nothing...
and its 10f out today, which is the warmest its been in about 2 weeks, winter here lasts 6 months.
i'm actually completely unfamiliar with the concept…
still proudly made in NH so like minded nut jobs can go hard in the woods, and then stuff it in the back of the family station wagon
didn't know Guide Lamp had a plant here...
now if only i could find one...
"13,476 miles Americans drive annually "
holy shit thats it really?
god damn i drive a lot aparently
Neutral: How Long Will You Keep Your Car? Does it feel old already?
He'd drive a yellow hummer so we all knew how huge his dick was