Start a blog and publish something every day for two months. Read work by good writers in and outside of games and emulate it. Don’t be a prick on Twitter.
Start a blog and publish something every day for two months. Read work by good writers in and outside of games and emulate it. Don’t be a prick on Twitter.
read criticism from outside of games. go to local cons if you can afford it and meet local devs and other critics. network a lot. be incredibly lucky.
Engage with other mediums every second that you can.
For someone looking to get into gaming journalism, what are some of the most important things to do and not do?
I’ll leap in to add my voice to the chorus of people who have no problem with real life Nazis getting smacked.
Because right now every post we had planned to write after this one is getting pushed back to later in the day/tomorrow.
Let me be clear: I am in favor of Richard Spencer, a white supremacist and neo-Nazi, getting punched in the face. I am not in favor of all Trump supporters getting punched in the face — only the ones who preach that blacks and Jews should be removed from America.
Why don’t you do these more often?
Because we’re a food blog with articles about video games.