
Digitally? No. You can buy just Bayonetta 2 for $50. That’s what I did. You can buy the first digitally for $30. But if you buy one, they discount the other so that I don’t think your total price would ever be over $60.

I got carried away with the time traveling robots again! Thanks for the heads up.

Stardew Valley. In game using weapons cost no stamina but swinging tools cost stamina. So you could could go on an all day monster slaying spree walk out pretty healthy, but spend 3 in game hours chopping tree and then have to go to bed.

I took it as a double reference to the new game, Into the Breach, and Dragonball Xenoverse...but the latter may just be a general DBZ/DBS reference.

I’m in the same boat. Just bought it and would absolutely buy a Switch copy. What sacrifices need to be made for this to happen?

The latest Split Screen episode had a plug for Fave This and I feel like a fool for not having subscribed earlier.

If this game went to switch as well. I would be buying it again just to play portable on a system I like. Mobile phone, prolly not lol.

Tim Rogers doesn’t know how to write less than six paragraphs which must make texting him a real chore.

Because the author of Nerfnow has issues with women, in case you haven’t noticed yet.

Ummm... The joke is that Twitch Plays Pokemon invalidates the value of humanity to the AI...

Okoye is less like the GOP and more like the Secret Service (and Jamie Lannister), and to a lesser extent the various bureaucrats and functionaries who keep doing their job. Loyalty to the throne means loyalty to government functioning and doing all the large and small things that benefit everyone in small ways, and

Actually, Zimmerman gained weight for trial:

People like this expect to show up, be white, and be fine.

That’s like the NBA All Star game of evil motherfuckers 👀

Color me surprised. A White man was held accountable for his violent, thug actions by a jury.

It pleases me that this was said by a man who looks like Frito Bandito’s conservative nephew.

half and half was sooo good!

I love her but I can’t stop thinking that she hasn’t aged in 25 years. Unfair!

Half & Half was such an underrated show!

In a 2010s kind of world, I’m glad we still got our girls.