He said in an interview that his look is for a role and he’s stuck with it for now. Kind of like when Tom Hanks showed up at the Oscars looking all shaggy while filming Castaway, minus the moral judgements.
You should offer your highly skilled services to law enforcement. Being able to detect sexual predators by their personal grooming and voices would be very helpful. You could be like a superhero, wear flowing black robes and a powdered wig, carry the Gavel of Knowledge.
Curious, is there a line where someone can be a piece of shit and then learn/grow/evolve to be a better person, or is he a fucking creep for the rest of his life and never deserves anything good? Like, what about jay walking? What if he was a flagrant jay walker? What if he yelled at a puppy once?
Whatever happened to “innocent until proven guilty?” I guess every accusation is legitimate here on Jez...as long as it’s a woman accusing a man. Michelle Williams is treated as a god on this site. She was fine working with Affleck. Is it possible that she knows something you don’t? Manchester by the Sea was…
I’m not sure if you’ve heard, but starring roles for women in mainstream Hollywood are few and far between, especially if you aren’t JLaw. If you want to star in movies as a woman, it’s pretty smart to create your own projects. Otherwise be content with GF and wifey roles until the mother/grandmother roles start…
It’s possible that money had nothing to do with it because Tonya’s personality was more abrasive and she didn’t fit the mold people that people are comfortable with, but I’ve noticed that being working class but more like Nancy (softer spoken, more traditionally feminine) generally gets more sympathy than working…
They were very different. I would rate Nancy as the better artistic skater, while Tonya was head and shoulders above almost everyone at the time for pure athleticism, power, and speed.
Also Boston bred, was a die hard Nancy Kerrigan fan. My dad was working as a reporter at the Tab, or one of those local papers, and loved an underdog/trainwreck. He had pictures of Tonya all over his cubicle. I would get SO PISSED whenever I was there. The one I remember most clearly was that shot of Tonya with the…
I’m always amazed at how blatantly famous men pad their height. I stood next to Mark Ruffalo in the subway once. His height is listed as 5'8. I’m 5'1 on a good day and he was no more than 2, MAYBE 3 inches taller than me.
Yeah, I liked Tonya before the whole scandal thing. I don’t think I quite realized at the time that it had to do with the fact that my family is very working class (definitely a bit trailer trashy in some areas), and she was more like “my people” than the other competitors. I mean, it’s hard as hell to become an…
She sewed those ugly costumes of hers by hand because she didn’t have the money! There is this weird video that creeps me out of her as a kid with her mom and this weird bird in their shitty apartment. I really still don’t think she had any control over what happened to Nancy. Am I naive? I don’t care.
Netflix -> ESPN’s 30 for 30 series -> “Price of Gold.”
Tonya Harding was landing an axel at like age 5. She was truly a prodigy.
I think I was about 12 when this all went down and I remember totally being #teamTonya and hoping against hope she was innocent. I loved how she was everything the snooty field of ice skating tried to reject but she had so much talent they couldn’t ignore her. And then when it became clear she must have known what was…
Honestly should be American Crime Story Season 2.
I really hope they go back further than the attack and try to show the whole story. Tonya was a fucking dream on ice and overcame so much. I loved to watch her skate—she looked so different from everyone else with what she was doing. To see this story as anything but tragic and insane is to see it incorrectly, in my…
The important question is who’s going to play my neighbor who lived next door to her post divorce boyfriend.
In doing that and saying that to them you do know that you were giving consent on those occasions right?
It’s called a cross examination. All three accusers had serious problems in their testimony.