no "I" in meme

Will you at least admit to "condescending?"

I will go to bat for "Fountain of Lamneth."

Going back to read the list again because didn't find Zombieland.

I'm holding out for the Koski review.

"Welcome, children, to the new school year. I'd like to introduce your new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Cersei Lannister."

Alan Parsons Project?

Love The Crossing. Wonderland EP too.

My 7th grade math teacher wasn't bad guy or bad teacher but he was pretty old and forgetful. He would occasionally be seen in the hallways between classes cleaning ballpoint ink off of his bald head with a towel. He would absent-mindedly scratch his head with his pen while grading, and sometimes the pen would be

Here it is, my chance to finally see the elusive Forrest Gump!

I won't rest easy until this happens.

But isn't the mint in a Mojito supposed to be spearmint? Just ruined the article for me.

I've been alive forever, and I wrote the very first song.

When does the key change?

Thanks, I'm on it. Starting counting…now.

I can't read through 2000 comments to see if anyone has mentioned Bjork, so here it is:
"Bjork. Can't even get through a single song. It's non-musical caterwauling to me."

"…and other readers will say: ‘see, I said that four years ago, I’m smarter than you guys’.”

well, that escalated quickly.

Is that really all this time?