no "I" in meme

Teti tanked to prepare for Block and Tackle (we can hope).

Try Sweetwater pineapple IPA; it's better and about $3 less.

*Serves Arya a pie with "Live 4 ever" carved into the crust*

Fucking hell, I read it in an Aussie accent.

Or just show him eating a Snickers at the end. "Not going anywhere?…"

At least if Pence leads us to armageddon, it won't be an accident.

Count me in the Fuck Johnny Depp choir but Rango was OK.

I'm from Arkansas and I lol-ed

Sadly, only one of these (Boulevard) is available in my area.
Here are six that are that I highly recommend; to my knowledge, they are all still craft and at least four have pretty wide distribution:
Founders PC Pils — a great pale lager replacement for the inexplicably disappeared Shift.
Great Raft Commotion APA

And watch for the Pinner (Oskar) 16-packs for the same price!

Clearly, Comey should have tried to hide among the curtains.

I've never heard the live version, but the studio "Telegraph Road" solo is wonderful.

Seriously, pretty much yes. It's because he hasn't followed through on campaign promises like the wall.

Is this a fun fact?

Or Thirtysomething: The Twenties.

That musical thing, was it called Rock of Ages? That was dreadful and seems like a cash-in.

I was alone in the theater to watch The Bear until a twentysomething couple came in just before the opening credits and sat several rows behind me. At some point the titular bear has sex with a female grizzly. A few minutes after that scene, the couple exited. I've always wondered whether A) they were disgusted by

It's not possible for anyone to hate Forrest Gump more than I do.

Counterpoint to…er…Count Erpoint: The guitars remind me of Thin Lizzy.

"Instead we get a sloppy, sluggish overlong episode with a few clever moments"