
Oh, they know full well who Salinsky was. I can guarantee you that the movers and shakers on the right are familiar with his writings about building political movements. If you read "Rules For Radicals", it's all there. They just don;t want their supporters to lose sight of Alinsky's straw man du jour status.

The ultimate d-bag. And that's really saying something considering that particular rogues' gallery.

Like George Gershwin, Paul McCartney, Joni Mitchell or Aimee Mann, Dylan has the innate gift for writing great melody. As great as his lyrics/poetry is, it is the music itself that gives those words it even more power.

"Into the saving power of RNR." Indeed. But I don;t think Grohl felt the Foos were game changers like Nirvana was or the game changers that had come before them since 1964. A supremely honest and talented musician and music man, producing fine RNR music, Grohl knows who he and where he has come from.

Indeed. We're still waiting for the contest winner announcement of the I-hate-Obama-the-most contest.

BFH, Bill, BFH.

“The Secret History of Wonder Woman” by historian (and feminist) Jill Lepore. Excellent writer as well.

Just one more waste of DNA.


Nothing funny about Jeffrey Beauregard III.

And president of the Ayn Rand fan club!

(This may be a duplicate post)

Try a land line beginning with *67.

Most people on insurance assistance ARE working. Or are disabled. Wages stagnant for 30 years. Min wage $2.35 LESS than 1971's in real dollars. YOU're just saying eff 'em, regardless of the context or situation. And you're making a fine argument for universal single payer, a la Medicare for all..

Yeah, what the does the CBO know? The GOPm didn't even get this BS piece of legislation scored and only put in pre-existing help to get the POS passed.Trump would have signed it regardless.

Say what? Trump praises Australia’s universal health care


What does "black" have to do with it, fk-stix??

So if they have to ask how much it costs, they can't afford it and so eff 'em, right?

To me he looks like an old fashioned Southron segger, warning about the mongrelization of the white race and how rock n roll will lead to it.