Though to be perfectly honest a lot of mathematicians suck at teaching math.
Though to be perfectly honest a lot of mathematicians suck at teaching math.
There’s an entire country in Europe where millions of white folk speak flawless Spanish almost from birth.
This article articulates so well why I lost so much respect for Bernie Sanders when he failed to support down-ticket Dems. Because the revolution doesn’t happen because you gave a fiery speech or crafted a uniquely engaging talking point.
I think that’s why us old people are confused that kids aren’t excited just about the prospect of a woman being President. You think the possibility has existed for a while. But two decades ago, the idea was considered against “family values”.
Exactly. It used to be called common decency until women, African- Americans, and gay people decided they hould be treated with some of it; now it’s oppression.
“political correctness”= manners. “political correctness” = empathy. “political correctness” = thoughtful concern for someone other than yourself. I can see why they have a problem with it.
They think they are protecting their white children from the scary immigrants, the scary Muslims, the scary atheists with their War on Christmas. They think they are protecting the unborn. They think they are protecting their children from going to hell for being sluts, or gay.
Michelle Obama’s speech emphasized this too, the way in which she talked about raising her girls and the importance of having someone they can look up to in the White House. What impressed me about Bill’s speech was that he reminded people that even before she was 30, Hillary was getting shit done. Michelle Obama did…
Yep 95. When Clinton got the nom officially I was flooded with memories of how she was treated as FLOTUS. I honestly cried thinking about all shit she’s had to wade through to get here. It was bad. Real old school misogyny was thrown at her and dredged up in the 90's. Barely 20 years ago. And not much changes as Mrs.…
I remember when this happened. I was 15 and super upset that people would be offended by the idea of a female president. When they re-ordered the shirt my mother bought me one and I have held onto it for 11 years. Today I busting it out and wearing it again and I am excited to think that “someday” might be sooner than…
Yep. This is why we old broads keep harping at the Youngs to keep history in perspective & not rest on any imaginary laurels because “we already have feminism and equal rights, it’s over”..... This kind of shit was happening while we were teenagers, young adults, college students. The 80s & 90s were the Backlash…
My friend went into a Target yesterday, and saw a bunch of onesies that said “Future President” in with the boy baby clothes. There were no such onesies on the girl baby clothes side. She took half of them off the rack and moved them to the girl side, which is why we are friends.
I will vote for Hillary. I don’t like her, but I will vote for her. First, because she does have the experience and credentials to do the job. Second, because as much as I don’t like her - the things I don’t like about her won’t cripple the nation or otherwise cause civil disorder or collapse. She is a military hawk,…
Yes! The roll call was so great. What amazed me is my mostly unemotional, but HRC-supporting husband bursting into tears when Bernie did his bit at the end and made it official for Hillary. Like crazy sobs. Nice little reminder as to why I married that man to go along with this awesome historical moment.
Today I’ve been on blast telling all the bernie-or-busters to knock it off and start supporting Clinton while working to change congress for the better. Seriously, it’s getting old.
The booing and hissing at the convention when people were trying to speak, the “what do I do noooooooooooow” all over social media.
I’ve been an ardent Sanders supporter. It’s because I am a progressive that I am celebrating along with the Clinton supporters, and am I happy to call myself a Clinton supporter as well.
Truly a historic moment for the lot of us.
Quit bitching about losing and start focusing on the down ticket. The Senate is up for grabs. If they got more “Bernie” types into Congress maybe things like TPP wouldn’t reach POTUS desk. Start your revolution at the state level. Where’s all the outrage towards Kansas and the Brownback trickle down gone bad…
Wanting to share that I have been a Bernie supporter, but I am so very proud to be voting for, and supporting Hillary Clinton. I did tear up at the end of the roll call, because I was proud that Sanders did the right thing and pledged his support to Clinton.
The correct answer is that both of these women are members of the extreme economic elite. In order to determine whether they are elitist, we would need to know more than the cost of their clothing.
Congratulations. I’ve been a big Hillary detractor but when glorious Michelle pointed out that we (I’m in my 20s) pointed out that we take for granted a woman could become president the history of it hit me