
I'm beginning to suspect that people are using patriotic imagery to cover up their short comings, whether it's spilling tons of chemicals into peoples drinking water or singing terribly.

All the normal arguments for or against the Confederate Flag aside... I'm confused why it isn't seen as unpatriotic? The South tends to have some real patriotic pride (and good for them) but I find it hard to match that with the fact that, trying to leave the United States, give up your US citizenship and form your

If you looked at this picture and the first phrase that came to mind was something along the lines of "The Confederate Flag," you would be wrong. This was never the Flag of the Confederate States of America. Furthermore, this flag is not nicknamed Stars and Bars. It was neither the Battle Flag of the Confederacy, nor

"Being proud of your Southern heritage does not mean that you are racist or condone slavery."

We know what the Confederacy stood for and we went to a great deal of trouble to defeat that. Try as they might, the contemporary South can not divorce the Confederacy from its legacy of slavery. This is not something to be proud of.

Lulz at "the south will rise again"

Yeah, I don't have to traverse too many backroads these days (work from home FTW!). Back when I used to run TSD rallies in Canada (during February), I actually would run a cheap set of studs from Les Schwab or similar. They held up surprisingly well, and I even won my class sometimes.

Yuk!! Kill it with fire!

Annoying how, though? It's purpose-built to make that minivan underneath look polarizingly different and have some interesting features for practicality. I know it's ugly but I liked it, sort of a Mad Max Minivan, especially in a dark color and covered in dust.

Always thought the Rendezvous was uglier, stupidly pretentious. The Aztek was at least useful.

Rock climbing is a one-trick pony.

Your average jeep, Land Rover, etc sees about as much dirt as the parking lot at your local Pier 1 Imports has that blows off the median.

Versatility has little to do with just rock climbing. You want to take your Aztek camping? Load up the kids, the gear, and you'll be able to make

It explains all of the Niner and Cowboy fans who were 12 year olds back in the 80s.

I'm just waiting for Escape Velocity to come on here and say how every person in the world is a bandwagon jumper and how bad the Seahawks are. I was born in Tacoma, Washington, grew up a Seahawks fan, stayed a Seahawks fan through all the bad times (we had to win eventually right?) and now I'm elated.

I have never really eaten out often, so I never give any thought to the calorie content of restaurant food. But OG salad and breadsticks were soooooo goooooood. I can see how they would pull people in and make them forget common sense!

All this Croc hate, and no one ever talks about how hideous Tom's are. They look like mummy feet.

Somewhere at the offices of A&E, someone is thinking: "A star is born."

From the linked article: "Campbell, 40, is the father of eight kids with four women and lives off government assistance."

DIEHARD HAWKS FAN....but that was an accident, he shouldn't have been ejected.

Mu husband was ALLWAYS the pretty princess. He could not throw that game no matter how hard he tried. His daughter could count too well to get anything by her, and she was so pissed he always won. He rocked that crown and earrings though.

The problem with the washer and rivet or the leatherman approach is that most car keys today (my 2006 car has one) use an immobilizer chip in the plastic part of the key. If you don't have that chip really close to the key tumbler in your dash, your not going to go anywhere. These are great for house keys, but I only