I ACTUALLY married (a) Lydia. Calling her my “Housecarl” never gets old...for me. Sometimes she sits in the dark and randomly welcomes her “Thane” back to the (Breeze)home - scares the crap out of me every time.
I ACTUALLY married (a) Lydia. Calling her my “Housecarl” never gets old...for me. Sometimes she sits in the dark and randomly welcomes her “Thane” back to the (Breeze)home - scares the crap out of me every time.
he pleads not ghillie.
Too many people get caught by the marketing and hype of getting in shape, and desire the “quick results” gimmicks that doom them to failure. To change your body requires a change in lifestyle — it is not a week/month/year fad — and that is the golden rule of starting your journey into health and fitness.
New mustang GT does the same thing, harder to shift gears in the cold.
STI’s power steering pump moans like a B list porn star.
Aint nobody got time for that.
lotta good armed security will do when a 308 round from 300 yards away splits his noggin’ open like a watermelon lol (and now I’m on a list, great...)
ok, im gonna say it, your economy sucks. your system sucks. there is no such thing as a free market when corporations can do whatever the fuck they want as they do. you (as a society) are fucking up your status in the global scene big time. i am spanish, and we used to (in a way) look up to you, but now all we want is…
Pai might as well fashion a noose out of CAT5 and hang himself with it, since he basically is going to be destroyed by the entire hacker collective in the coming weeks. Any sin he committed will come out, and I can’t imagine he will have nothing to hide...
Typical sexual predator. He can’t take “no” for an answer.
Why not just move the power seat all the way forward?
I’m going to ask SirusXM what they think makes their signal so shitty, and use that.
I don’t know what you’ve been yanking on, buddy, but horses don’t have udders.
Fuck this woman. Fuck fuck fuck this woman.
He called
I don’t see the issue.
“I do not mean to disparage Ruggere’s compassion or mock her attempt to help a feline condiment fiend, but how do you let a cat with a jar on its head get away once the jar is in your hand? Seems like as a human without a jar on your head, you have a huge advantage over the cat whose entire world has been supplanted…
Me: “Hey! When will my Samsung device get the latest Android OS?”
Dale Jr. Please.