
Yeah, the E55s and C55s were straight line rockets, both of them. After the C55 I bought a C63, and maaaan, difference was day and night. AMG learned from ///M on those years (2004-2006), and they started producing cars with much better turn-in, and quick steering.

But I wasn't disappointed - they were/are just as bad as I expected them to be.

And if they make a high performance coupe, I suggest they refer to the book of Judges and call it The Judge... and maybe get some former Pontiac customers as a bonus!

Same here.. had an Uncle that worked for both.. and project bluebook.. died before i could get the secrets from him.. but he would have appreciated this..

My mom worked on the Shuttle program. I’m super grateful she’s lived to see this for the same reason.

My Grandfather worked on the Apollo program. I wish he could have seen this.

Thanks! I’m going to attend MSU this fall! (Current high school senior), and I am seriously torn between a Business major and an Engineering major.

the mustang is the florida of cars.

This literally happened a couple hundred meters from my house. For those not familiar with the road, the speed limit is 45 but you’ll be lucky to break 30. A lot of people driving on it don’t have licenses and don’t want to get pulled over. Even driving the speed limit can feel dangerous.

They work awesome when people use their turn signals.

First time I drove a rented Caravan - I floored it to see how “gutless” it was - chirping the tires and slamming me back on an on ramp showed me how wrong I was - that Pentastar/8 speed combo is so nice- wish it had a better reliability rep

What I learned from this experience is simple: most pickup truck owners don’t care what they need. They care only what they want.

Nerd alert! Ok just kidding. That’s cool

Automotive designer here. I concur.

The 6000 SUX. Duh

On the ‘76 2002 I used to own, the problem is solved pretty easily. Simply drill through the bumper shocks, drain the fluid, collapse the shocks, drill the hole again and put a bolt in the hole.

They already do hydroplane racing right in Mission Bay (where Seaworld San Diego is). It’s pretty awesome.

You know this building is from the Stalin Era? Vegas building actually use stalinist architecture.