
It made them so much easier to unlock with a coat hanger.

“But you won’t be able to buy it.” Not necessarily as a matter of availability, but as a matter of will.

I’m hoping it’s just bad isometric and orth views and the perspective shots will somehow be magically better....

There’s one of those at the Lane Motor Museum where Torchinsky has done most of his Jason Drive’s videos. Would be cool to see that one featured.

mid 2000s.

It’s so much nicer than previous attempts. As far as retro/homage designs go, they nailed it, but in a way that doesn’t require one to know the reference to appreciate the design. Too many retro cars just come across as contrived.

I would normally take the high road and explain this in the most polite way I can... but you’ve just illustrated the point of the joke.

I convinced a guy that my Slant 6 was an Inline V6.

What an appropriate screen name to show up on this thread.

“Doug Lockwood took a huge risk to stop a car”

Apparently there is a Targa option

Can you circle it in the picture? I don’t see it.

You are correct. I also would have accepted Lynx

no problem, I’m a bit of a toy junkie. Too broke to collect, but I like to model them in 3d. Haven’t done the MOBAT yet, but several other Joe vehicles.

And the road itself, if they were having problems with the larger MRAPs collapsing roads, just imagine what a 4 wheeled Abrams would do.

Not quite. The MOBAT had working treads.

The thought crossed my mind if it would be possible for a tank to travel on roads and flat hard terrain faster if it could some wheels that lower like that, but then i remember how many wheels they stick under them to be able to go on roads as it is.

I dunno man, that looks like it’s based on the tried but true Wheels-N-Track system Hasbro perfected back in the 80s...

So, like this?