
It’s ok, i can take it. I’m using that one as a learning opportunity before moving to more advanced designs. There’s still demand among collectors and customizers that Hasbro’s just not filling.

I guess it’s time to finish my 1:6 scale GIJoe Pac-Rat

nope, not me, well aware of my decrepit 37 year old body. Also aware that even at 37, I’m still younger than most adults of driving age.

what model sports car?

Below: Not my dart, just needed a quick profile shot.

after a weekend of getting in and out of my rental jetta and banging my head everytime (i’m in the 95%ile for heavens sake), i was glad to get back to my older, plane, but taller Vibe. So much easier to get in and out of. I think overall, modern sedans just got too low, I assume for aerodynamics. Sedans from the 70’s

It’s true, I use a lot of their designs as references for more realism. They did provide vehicles for the 2nd movie which were also produced in toy form.

It’s a toy from ‘83

I was thinking it was a really fancy guiro...

Obligatory Tucker post. This one is is #1028 in Tupelo, MS.

I’m currently about 3 miles from Nissan HQ, you want me to stop by and knock on some doors?

It did not have a Foose designed Eleanor, it had THE Eleanor.

I was already working on an Archimedes Screw exhibit for a playstructure going in a children’s museum when I saw this in my Facebook feed.

You may have just inspired a playground component for a current project of mine.... Thanks man.

Instead, now I design playground equipment fulltime, and amuse myself with military concepts for fun.

Well... I didn’t make the financial cut, I really wanted to go to CCS, but at $20k/semester, I didn’t have a shot. I ended up going to Auburn.

I really had my heart set on Automotive Design starting out, but never made the cut, but occasionally, now and then, I do get to design one.

In my professional opinion as an Industrial Designer, This is a vast improvement. Its so much meaner looking.

Always been fond of the E-type