
and if we're including other manned aircraft other than "Jet" powered, the shuttle was several times faster, and that was while gliding. You just have to launch the craft into orbit, then let gravity do the rest.

I think we're all assuming here that it hasn't been beaten. Remember how long it took them to declassify how fast this thing could go?

I don't know that any Radar testing was ever done using the platform. To my knowledge is was specifically for EMP effects testing. The entire structure was made of wood or composites (again mostly woodbased and fiberglass) down to the threaded rods, nuts and washers (my dad has a few rods lying around with

This is one of my favorites, mainly from having family involved. Not as secret (considering you can drive up pretty close to it if you can get on base) but had a lot of sensitive projects.

Gotcha, just more pronounced then the last time i looked.

i guess that's what it is, just more pronounced then the last time i looked.

speaking of shadowy air bases, is it just me, or has area 51 added a couple new landing strips?

In the South These are summer tires.... Give them a try.

I have always wanted to do a show where i buy a dirt cheap and barely running classic, perhaps a convertible. and hit the road for a full lap of America. Everywhere the car breaks down, is where i make an episode about. Could be anywhere. It would be whatever i can find to do while the mechanic is tooling away on the

Should read

My brother's had a couple of the 2015 over the years 4 series

Though mine would be a bit more of an M5 fighter than 911.

but... being broke, I'd have to choose this.

18.) Porsche 912

You'll have to wait for the CEO's wife to beg for it. From what I've been told, she was responsible for the last one.

I may have to stop by Nissan HQ on my way to work and slap someone for making this.

gotta love the sliding doors

i would suggest

Alternatively any utility bed truck. think of the weapons and gadgets you could hide in the bed side doors. And it's an instant cover as a contractor, Communications tech, etc.