no grit left -- again

Voters do not know enough about politicians to “like” or “dislike” them in the sense that I meant. People who actually know Ted Cruz fucking hate him.

Ted Cruz’s political success just absolutely baffles me.

Just be careful which kind of modest you’re talking here. Modest rural backgrounds are OK. Modest urban backgrounds will be asked to try WR.

has anyone considered maybe working him out as a wide receiver?

“Shut up and fumble” -Browns’ fans.

After reading that couple of times, me pretty sure it not someone else who confused.

Actually it only really seems to be DC that’s glib about background fodder death. Hell the entire driving conflict of Captain America: Civil War is based around how much account ability The Avengers have for collateral damage.

Virtually every line in your comment is a complete lie with no basis in facts....except the last one which makes absolutely no sense.

$75K in LOS ANGELES!!!!!

A deeply socially awkward man who tries to relate to people through poorly-timed Simpsons references?

Wait a minute? Unions use some of their money to lend support to the party that isn’t actively trying to screw them out of existence? Stop the GD presses.

This is exactly why unions have been crushed in America - political actors have been extremely successful in getting Americans to focus on anecdotal negative outliers while ignoring the massive good unions have done for millions in the form of higher wages, workplace safety, benefits, etc. “My kid had a teacher who

Nice narrative... i have one for you. The owner class, in their quest for evermore profits engaged in a smear campaign to depict unions as bad actors for the working class (a campaign you’ve taken your talking points from).

Because they’re complete fucking idiots.

I mean dems were trying to stop Dubya from starting an illegal war that got millions of people killed and destabilized an entire region for the foreseeable future, spy on citizens, discriminate against gay people, illegally kidnap, torture people and imprison them without trial indefinitely and a bunch of other

Stupid babies need the most attention...

Maggie is an infant with no concept of politics

By the by, I love that The GOP and The Puppet now want to arm teachers. They spent the last 40 years calling us lazy, uncaring, and incompetent, yet now we’re armed to save everyone (no body armor, by the by). Seriously, thanks, white people, you fucked us all hard by voting for The GOP.

My thoughts exactly, and it’s one of the most prevalent reasons we’re in this horrific mess right now. Journalists have become less interested in the truth than they are in fucking clicks and ratings. Shame on every last one of them.

The fact that we’re applauding teenagers for asking hard questions goes to show that the adult journalists have not been asking hard questions for years.