no grit left -- again

Sure thing. Enjoy the NFC champion flag ceremony.

Derp! I’ve actually seen games at Schafer Stadium where Stanley Morgan caught a TD pass against the LA Raiders. I lived through Rod Rust. When I was a kid, they used to train at UMass-Amherst. I watched them get wiped out by the Bears in the Super Bowl and it was totally worth it to Squish the Fish (for which there

Hilarious. An Atlanta fan bitching about bandwagon and fair-weather fans. The Pats were the least popular team, sure, but they’ve sold out Foxboro since 1994. New Englanders have always been fans of the team, except for the very oldest ones, who liked the Giants.

I see. You can pick and choose what parts of your fandom resonate with you, like not caring about the Jets’ past best players and their union-busting steroids AND not care about current Jets’ wife-beating or ultra-right wing ownership, BUT THAT’S STILL WAY BETTER than the Patriots fans picking and choosing of what is