
I think it’s pretty obvious that he’s a total dick but I didn’t find the way they spoke about him last night offensive. He DID change the way she trained in dramatic fashion (at least partially for money supposedly, which has paid off as she is the first swimmer to earn a million dollars in the pool alone). I’ve seen

Umm, coaches are always given credit for an athlete’s performance. Like it or not, they can affect an athlete’s performance regardless of if it is an individual or team sport. You could complain that Pat Summit shouldn’t have been given any credit because it was actually the players who were successful. It’s why they

Being hung out to dry because he got a lot of booty. Haters gonna hate!

While the author is talented, she represents the highest manifestation of the “Our 1st world problems, lead our heart” type. So many people ( boys & girls ) are raised as so into their LATE TEENS...”ok little suzie, if u don’t like it, u don’t have to do it. Ur emotional reactions, run the show!”.How does little suzie

I suspect he’s a brilliant satirist who is currently seeing just how far people will let him take the joke before he has to admit he was pulling their leg all along.

Adele might not sing songs he likes but girl can sing. I heard the tapes where it’s just her voice and it sounds so strong. There are a number of singers who use things to alter their voice only she’s not one of them.

She’s gotten this far based on raw talent despite all the body shaming from both inside and outside the industry and some asshole can’t even acknowledge her talent. Really pisses me off... and I’m not a fan of hers at all. But you know you wouldn’t read an article about how Ed Sheeran’s voice isn’t his own.

that man is an idiot.

Or even worse... a secret Gary Busey.

My kind of lady. “answered the door in nothing but a robe and stockings” nice! Making her way up to the attic several times during the day to fulfill her needs...found another pic of her...

Paragraph 11: “She inherited all her husband’s money and bought a new house with an even bigger attic”

These people must have much nicer attics than mine, which is filled with old insulation and has hardly enough room to crouch, much less space to hang out and read pulp magazines while waiting to sex up the lady of the house.

Is it in any way possible that the guy who shot this woman simply hated......well.....this woman, for reasons other than that she was a woman? Yes, misogyny is a horrible problem. But, as of yet, there’s no evidence this was that type of hate crime. Some shooters are simply insane, or evil,N

I would think if it was her ex, her brother would have known the guy.

I figured that it was either a horrible “fan” or a horrible ex-boyfriend. As usual, Margaret Atwood quote, Margaret Atwood quote, Margaret Atwood quote.

Could’ve been her ex:

I’m hearing stalker/ex boyfriend. Either way it’s tragic and awful.

thank you. It’s just I understand why she isn’t popular especially with the jez crowd that is usually very self aware but the fact is she is getting a ton of radio play and it wouldn’t happen if people didn’t like the sound AT ALL. Like I find it really hard to believe that no one will admit that she’s listenable. I

Its all about the songwriting. Her stuff is catchy and resonates with teen audiences.

I like some of Trainers music. I’m sorry! It’s catchy! And I like to car dance!