
I don’t think they’re full-on satire. They kind of drift across the absurdist humor line a lot. I love them. How can you not love this?

I’ve heard of the Sovereign Citizen movement being called a “cargo cult” and the description is apt. They seriously believe the legal system can be dealt with by using the correct incantations: “That flag has fringe!” Or... “I am john Smith the person, not JOHN SMITH the corporate entity and the charges are against my

It’s not you. When I worked at my county’s DA office, we had one man who claimed to be a sovereign citizen to get out of a misdemeanor resisting arrest. He bombarded my supervisor with these insane, rambling motions citing treaties from the 1600's and 1700's.

Tyson: Congrats, University of Cincinnati!


That is a disturbing quantity of small teeth.

I just wanted to come here and say that I signed up for Jez’s newsletter because the guys at Deadspin said the first site to get so many subscriptions get a pizza party.

When beating Duke, celebration krzyld be kept to a minimum.

I heard rumours that, early in his career, he dressed up in women’s clothes.

Oh my God, I loved this movie SOOOOO much. We took the 5-year-old to see it last night, and while he really liked it, I think my husband and I laughed harder and longer than even he did.

When I was a summer associate at a law firm that specialized in defense-side civil litigation, one of my biggest jobs was to go around shoving old people into the mud and then dropping a fax machine on them as they struggle to get up and then having my secretary fax them an invoice for one million dollars.

said everyone ever until they need one of us. Then all of the sudden your client is pure as the driven snow, loves lawyers, and wants you to fuck over the other guy, who is of course “an asshole”. But we love you all.

He’s doing his job to the best of his ability.

Lawyers are “just the best” until you or your business needs one.

I actually kind of agree... No way this would fly if it were a female guest and it is just as cringey here...

Colbert comes off like a douche here. He told Affleck he looked like he was on a street corner. Now imagine if Colbert insulted the appearance of a female guest, and the guest responded uncomfortably — we would be crucifying Colbert for abusing the power dynamic of host/guest.

Didn’t put enough bite into that attempt.

So good. The whole thing was perfect fun.

Ah, come on. That’s not that bad of a tweet. Cut the man some slacks.

Did anyone else think he was taking a big toke off a little joint in that picture at first glance?