
thank you!

2 of them are porn stars. i know because they used to work for me in my gogo boy booking business Boxmeat (Jesse Santana and Steve Vexx

Uwe Boll was a complete JOY to work with. I especially liked being asked in front of 100 people (through a bullhorn) if i'd ever taken an acting class or read the script. (NO to both btw)

Ticked-Off Trannies With Knives is the film. it's kinda reached a cult status.  I suck at makeup. I started doing drag through acting and on set, your makeup is done by people who just get paid to do makeup. So yea. I'm lazy and suck but i'm trying to get better. (That's a lie- I totally want to just keep booking good

i got skin thicker than the shit on latrice's feet. don't worry. i like reading about myself. i have nip/tuck on repeat in my house and masturbate to it on mute while the Vagina Song plays on my computer. i like reading about other people's take on me.
on the real though, sorry for being such a bitch too. it sounds gay

"What other people think of me is not my business." When RuPaul said that, i don't think the internet was around. You really come for me, huh? What did i say this week that was catty? why is my jockstrapped ass not tv-worthy? i won most fuckable queen… . Now i'll be able to sleep at