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For once, Kotaku is in the same page as the rest of the gaming community. Good.

Love that this is a rare Kotaku article where they just state the facts without their own spin. Keep it up, K.

This level of shilling is just sad.

Nah. It’s easily one of the best films of the year. And Phoenix is great.

Ah, Kotaku defending/justifying these practices. Imagine my shock.

We all know why they are killing the show. Like Joda once said:

So... Is he forgiven for the pedo stuff?

Did you just dissected entire anime logic in one sentence? This is very true. Bravo DarkAshura.

I’m usually pretty harsh in my criticisms of Kotaku. The shilling, politics, double standards..all that. But I gotta accept when they the right thing as they are doing here. This is the good Kotaku I want to see more of. Thanks Mr Totilo.

Fair enough. Glad you had a good time there.

Using kids to argue for world changing policies is wrong. It’s cute, crowd pleasing & pointless posturing. They are more the expression of their parents/teachers than their own. If you argue a 14 year old is smart, knowledgable or has enough insight to promote these policies you have a very skewed world view.

Chill you Shilling, SpaceCop :P - Kotaku is widely known for their shilling, and it’s fine with me... As long as the sponsored content is clearly marked. My question is honest.

How does Kotaku indicates a paid/sponsored article?

I have the feeling these type of games appeal to certain demographics that rarely overlaps with console or PC. So, good for them.

You all need Papa Gundam... ;)

Gotta love edgy sheeple. 

Gotta love it when shilltaku keeps being shilltaku.

Funny how most people who actually buy and play games don’t like Epic, right? It is also funny how most of the people supporting Epic are at shill websites?

Oh, ey. Fuck Epic.

Comment section is just about what I expect from a Kotaku article on Pews.