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I have the feeling these type of games appeal to certain demographics that rarely overlaps with console or PC. So, good for them.

You all need Papa Gundam... ;)

Gotta love edgy sheeple. 

Gotta love it when shilltaku keeps being shilltaku.

Funny how most people who actually buy and play games don’t like Epic, right? It is also funny how most of the people supporting Epic are at shill websites?

Oh, ey. Fuck Epic.

Comment section is just about what I expect from a Kotaku article on Pews. 

Oh man. I really appreciate this article. At least acknowledging how enormous this scene is in latin america is something amiss most of the time. But the otaku, gaming and geek culture in general is gigantic down there.

The SW shilling is strong lately. And is getting worst.

Name please. Need to research this- throughly.

INB4 Epic White Knights and Steam Warriors.

Werner Herzog FTW. 

I don’t think so. Nathan can put out worthwhile articles once in a while :P

Nathan spending 90% of the article justifying the logic of this POS :)  Still, I hope this toxic individual is banned permanently.

A game developer with principles, common sense and good judgement. Respect. Buying the game now. Oh yeah, FUCK EPIC :)

Well, hard to tell without an actual port, but I reckon is possible. For VR they’ll definitely need to dial down the graphics significantly.

PC release when? Imagine this in VR. Unf.

A really good summary. BUT Missing 2 very important entries:

You have a point. Regarding this article I’ll copy a response i did before: