“Bethesda press conference was full of cool announcements...” lol
“Bethesda press conference was full of cool announcements...” lol
Woah people. Chill. It’s just not beyond imaginable to expect least tease of a game announced a year prior & not everyone is paying attention to every game gossip/news except for events like this.
The fake clapping/cheering were cringe AF. Also very funny.
The whole post feels like an official EA approved PR release. We KNOW everything wrong and the contradictions/lies with this announcement and not even acknowledge it? ufff.
I dream the day of Overwatch on the switch and OW characters as DLC’s for Smash -_-
Most people don’t complain about what happens, but in the way it was told. Shesh. Shill sites are full on in justifying and retconning the final season.
Honk Honk
And I lose my shit whit the occasional overdraft fee....
Not much to say, you break the rules, you don’t get the prize. Simple.
Luke knew exactly what he weas doing when choosing that one for the header ;)
If you have a VR headset, ZONE OF THE ENDERS THE 2nd RUNNER : M∀RS looks pretty good. https://store.steampowered.com/app/650510/ZONE_OF_THE_ENDERS_THE_2nd_RUNNER__MRS/
I’ve seen this style before, but in a much much simpler application. With this level of detail it’s beautiful. Thanks Luke!
Agree 100%. Sadly, it spoils the story and will weaken the books. But yeah, I like everything that happens, but needed another 4 seasons...WITH DIFFERENT WRITERS.
I’ve worked in a lot of different industries (from farms to TV prod)... and I ALWAYS found some employees that felt overworked, underpaid & oppressed. Heck, now I work in a collective of 5 and 1 of them feels this way. It’s part of human nature.
Well. Now it’s 214,745.
Indeed! There was something about the colors and design in the game as well. Even now, most of the logos, UI and mechs look great.
Haha..indeed. IMO the worst arcade jerks are either the one offering to beat the level you are playing for you or the one with a row of quarters/tokens at the bottom of the screen while people waiting in line. There is also the smelly ones, the cursing-out-loud dudes or the poking-with-the-elbow-while-performing-hadook…
You surely have been lucky! I’ve been looking for a Neo-Geo cabinet in my area for years - with no luck so far (granted, I live in very remote area). I could probably built one myself...but is not the same thing.
I remember the first time I saw Virtual On at the arcades and being mind blown by the graphics, cabinet, design and gameplay. It was in japanese and it was a premium game (i had to put in 3 credits to play) And I loved every second.
As a PoC and FF fan... Nah.