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Awesome artist, Luke. Another one directly added in Artstation thanks to you.

♫A quien le llamas si tienes apetito?♫

I got into anime as a kid with this one, Ranma 1/2 and... MD Geist :P

Knowing the usual audience it took a lot guts to publish this review. I really appreciate your honesty.

I have great respect, admiration & even love for most aspects of Japan. But their movie industry is rarely good. And I don’t know if it has something to do with frame rate or interlacing or some weird technical issue, but almost everything looks like it was filmed with a 300 dslr.

Bloodborne in PC.... *sniff

This person speaks my mind. Thanks!

I’m not crying, you are crying. Good bye, you beautiful lovable corporate head. It’s going to be weird without him -_-

Maybe I wasn’t clear in my original post. I like Jack Black (I know most lines in Nacho Libre by heart -_- Thanks, son) and I watch pewsdiepie occasionally.

Yeah. Because there is no “actual talented charismatic people” that are not in the movies/tv, right?

I really like him, but I took issue for how youtube promoted his channel with just one clip of 30 seconds doing the pewdiepie thing with the chair. That clip was on recommended and trending for days. Is unfair for the real creators of youtube. There is an article idea for you Kotaku: “Recommended and Trending video

Is this real life? this just fantasy?

Beautifully put. Thank you.

I don’t want politics or social commentary. Thanks.

if you recall Crackdown 3’s announcement”


Tsk. All they had to to do is to release Overwatch on the Switch, some nintendo skins, add Tracer Reindheart to Smash and done. To count money.

Fuck yes. 

All awesome in their own right, but c’mon, Piranha Dude is legit sf! Can I cosplay as a cosplayer?

Thanks for the update! I check back one of these days :)