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Thanks for your advise. I guess that for us is more about the admiration for many aspects of the Japanese culture in general, well beyond the occasional anime. It’s more about their way of thinking, history and values. That’s basically the allure for us.

“In fact, many amateur artists (ie: artists who only produces work when the moons align and they feel like it) are considered amateur because they have this obsession at being 100% original which is something that’s virtually impossible.” Get out of my head!! :P

Oh Brian, you are the one keeping my flame alive to visit Japan...well, and Begin Japanology too. My girlfriend and I dream on getting married over there. Does any one knows if that is even possible? (We are both from US)

I have seen many cases of plaggarised frames & artwork but this is not one of them. They are different enough to be considered homages or merely coincidences.

“We have a zelda, albeit multiplatform and the worst zelda ever and barely passable as a generic game...”

Korean cinema is incredible. It just takes a bit to adjust to the cultural differences but man, so many great films (Netflix & Prime).

Hard to tell the resemblance with all those filters on top. Other than that, good for him.

This is all about Darryl “Snake Eyez” Lewis for me. 

Just planting a flag to see where this wager matter ends up. Keep us in the loop. I have a couple of ideas, this being The Root :——)

There is a current misreading of the role and former cultural importance of comics. And is part of the reason why the medium is dying. -Former Comic Geek

I sure there is a good candidate (and PC correct) out there.. but I don’t agree with your choices. There is a lot of great looking, age appropriate and screen friendly Middle Eastern or Indian people to there.

Thanks for that. Now I feel Now, about my other 2 dozen fetishes...

Thanks Heather! I don’t like using guides but I’m bookmarking this just in case :D

I was in the middle with Anita/Sargon in this particular incident but after the Boogie thing....

Just one, Eternal Darkness.

As I was writing my post, someone was already on it. “Don’t count your eggs...”

Once you live a life of deadlines, renders, last minutes changes, crashes, bad audio, missing footage, wrong specs and all that stuff...That’s exactly how all we video prods look like.

Thankful that nobody is complaining about the mexican outfit.

From the sound of it, the problem is no the lack of resources or time. The blame is in the planning. But I can relate to the always life-draining conflict of creative vision and practicality. Great article Jason!

Oh man. Im with you 100%. Except, CG is coming very very close. Have you seen Cassette Girl or played Guilty Gear Xrd? While not yet perfect, is getting there. Even now, there is a ton of “traditional” shows that use it, but we just don’t notice. The point is, slowly but surely, the tech and the artistry are coming