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Feel your pain Nathan. I’m a working single father and my only chances of playing are late at night. And between Zelda, Minecraft and Overwatch i spent many nights with only 3 or 4 hours of sleep. But I don’t regret any of it. For starters, gaming has become a great way to bond with my son and personally, i feels it

Cecilia is killing it. Great post. My son suffers from different mental disorders...and gaming provides him with things he has difficulty finding in real life. And although I work hard to make him adapt as a productive member of society, the joy he experiences while playing makes me really happy.

Just give me Super Mario All Stars and I will pay the full price.

Well, thats one possibility. The number of possible variables for this outcome are many, from society, family, environment, psychological, tumor in the frontal lobe to genetics. When you go back far enough, even the worst of the worst might be seen as “victims”.

This is insane, funny, genius and scary at the time. Just my cup of tea. Thanks Gita!

Very tragic, I wish the family gets proper support to deal with this . Another thing illuminated by this incident, besides the glaring issue of Guns, its how difficult it is for some people to deal with the pressure of social media popularity. Loads of people going to extremes in hopes to get one more like, one more

As a sorely cheap Gear VR user, I feel left out.. :P Joking aside, there are some genuinely cool experiences on mobile VR as well (all things considered).

Awesome Post Cecilia! You are one of my fave K posters. Fair, concise and intelligent solution focused articles. Keep’em coming.

Good to see coverage on VR. I believe if they release it for PSVR it might be a thing. Those are selling like hotcakes and the user base is pretty strong.

As a pleb with an S7, I envy you. Game on friend.

Hey Thanks!... That makes sense... and Im validated to say that I suck at playing because of an “unfair” table :P *bookmarked

It happened to me exactly the same with WindWaker...twice. Now my kid much older and he is playing Breath of The Wild nonstop... and I’m plotting my revenge >:-P

Just a simple question for a pinball connoisseur. In my experience, I’d imagine there is a factor of 50% Skill 50% Luck playing pinball, is this correct? The dead center point is unreachable and is completely up to the randomness of the bounces, making it an element of luck. But then again, maybe Im just a noob.

Look at their market. Makes sense. I haven’t outgrown my love for anime myself though...and I am way beyond those years; I get what you are saying.

Thanks Brian!! This is pretty valuable for us amateur artists.

TBH, I dont think they have bad intentions (Laserface included). Online interactions are polluted with negativity and malice... and some people are more sensitive than others to this. We come from all different places, cultures and mindsets and figuring out the best way to coexist is a real challenge.

Well, for some reason my original response to laserface is no longer available, so just a repost:

Chill LF. Did you read the article or went directly to pa-trolling? Don’t you think having options for sharing content is a good thing? Don’t you think the whole PewDiePie was a overreaction? I do believe it is the right of companies to decide who they advertise with. But what is good for corporations is not

Derp 2! Published by Ubisoft or Konami? Cant recall...

What we truly need, is truly competing services. By Youtube having the almost a complete monopoly of video online is becoming a easy target for the decaying old media as well as the political turmoil, exacerbated by the over sensitivity of certain groups. Maybe those millionaire YT stars should pool their resources