
When is a Republican ever not an asshole?

Die soon.

Fuck you

Society might have failed Odin Lloyd. Society might have failed Safiro Furtado and Daniel de Abreu. Society did not fail Aaron Hernandez.

Society failed him? How so? He went to an elite high school, went to college, made millions of dollars in his early 20s, had as nice of a house as I’ve ever seen in person...he is a horribly fucked up person who made horribly fucked up choices.

As a member of society, I speak on our behalf.

Lol society failed a gifted, popular athlete with an extremely bright future and a massive multi million dollar contract? Yeah, he drew a really bad hand. If only there was something society could have done for him. More adulation, more opportunities! None of this was his fault. /s

Society failed him? Are you fucking kidding me?

Oh give me a fucking break. Society failed him by making him an idolized millionaire? Get a fucking grip.

Mr Gangbanger couldn’t do the time.

It’s a godawful story with absolutely no winners. Pain and suffering throughout.

Interesting new tact for NFL players: Suspend yourself before Goodell can

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

Since when has he shown he gives a flying fuck about protocol? This is a guy who couldn’t step away from a fancy dinner to order the Yemen raid.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again. This is exactly like a monarchy from Ye Olde Times. He’s not staying in the White House with foreign dignitaries, he’s taking them to a fancy summer home filled with opulence and tacky furniture. He’s having his grandchildren dance and sing in front of them, just like a monarch

That’s the most famous music artist trump can get.

If only this awful family had forced those children to perform like this on the campaign trail. Trump’s bigoted supporters might actually have turned against him if they’d witnessed Jewish kids singing in Mandarin.

After that? I just hope China makes it quickly and silently (in my sleep, preferably).

Having this meeting not at the White House is out of the ordinary enough to irk the Chinese, but on top of that, do the Trumps realize this is a diplomatic summit, not a creepy family Christmas party where you trot out the young’uns to entertain the guests Sound of Music style?

The Trump Family runs the cartel now. You kiss the ring and you endure whatever it is you gotta endure. Later, when the backroom deals are being made is when you can stop being nice.

I this rate I’m looking forward to out Chinese overlords...