Noel Hermogenes

The police should've just arrested them. they were already on the floor. should be easy to cuff them. These kids were no threat. If they were breaking the law (which I doubt-right to protest), the next step is to arrest. NOT TO ASSAULT. This is how cops get in trouble. Too trigger happy. Whether its tazer, pepper

This sucks! I lost most of my tags. Lost most of my links! These guys were better off making bad amateur video. Never thought delicious would taste soooo bad!

"bouillabaisse" ..... I had to google that one. Now I just need to use it in a sentence.

Awesome! Almost makes me want to see it on my PC......almost.

Now that I know how to do a splashless entry with my poop, anybody know how to make em do a double-twist with a back flip?

The night in question.... where were you, Jason Chen??.....Hmmmm??

just ask a republican how to do it.

where the hell did the Taliban get such a sophisticated missle? This is no RPG-7. No way your gonna hit anything with that during daytime let alone hitting a fast moving chopper at night. S, supplied that missle? China? hmmmmm. This can get interesting

Let me know if you need a refutable lawyer .................I know lots of em

Please tell me Jason Chen did not lift this off a drunken Apple engineer.

Maybe Mayor Bloomberg can make it illegal to consume wieners in public parks.

This looks like a Paper Mosaic of a Lamborghini Countach

Don't think it's a good idea to be hiking with Zucky alone in the woods....... look at that serial killer grin he's got...

I for one disagree with the Army's decision. I believe that these shoes can distract the enemy. And while the enemy is busy laughing and making fun of our soldiers, our boys can use the same goofy shoes to kick the hell out of em....... who's laughing now, huh?!

You can wear flip-flops while wearing these shoes

Whaaaat??!! George W suin Assange?

next question... How much money do you really need?

This is what happens to a nation that evolved technologically sooner than its people and laws are able to adapt. Really, they are driving like they are riding bicycles. Even the pedestrians aren't any better. Going from bicycle packs to "LA" trafic in a span of 10 years is a potion for disaster. You could tell from

This is nothing more than what the auto manufacturers have been doing for years.... up-grading the model year of automobiles to up to a year to make buyers think they are getting the latest cars. nothing more than a marketing tactic.

@BenjiS: If I was going up against somebody packin ASRAAMs....I'd be scurred.