
"Atlanta" is a hell of a drug.

As much as I hate "The Big Bang Theory" there is a power behind that show, because it is f**k**g everywhere that you turn. Like most things, it started small.

Because that's what they wanted.

If everybody was in agreement that it was a mess, that would be one thing, but you're saying it's a mess, I'm saying it's hilarious, as many people who are commenting here are saying just as many different things.

I was in tears when he had said that.

Your point being?

Difference is, I hate the Eric Andre show.

Everything is a retread of everything else, it's just a question of how you do it.

Maybe, but how many shows on television nowadays makes you want to react to it one way or another? Most of the time, the stuff that plays just makes it easy for you to get up and go to the bathroom or get a sandwich afterwhich you've gotten distracted and don't return.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!

Holy $#!t !

I love this show.

My understanding is that "Atlanta" describes itself as a 'dramedy'. Although there are amusing moments to it, there are serious points being made. For instance, in the 2nd episode when Earn was in the 'waiting area' in the police station, all the craziness that was going on in there DID make me laugh out loud for

That whole sequence with the dog target wasn't funny?

Meander a little less IF they are maintaining these half-hour show runs.

Whoooo! What the Fu…

Obviously, our tastes only converge on 'Carter'.


That's excessive. I will agree that, yes, 13 episodes might be too long for the stories that they are telling.

Uhhh… No.