I’m dying to meet her!
I’m dying to meet her!
Funny timing.
If other cars design and build their fellow cars, that implies a very, very different set of mores and ethics in the Cars universe. Essentially, cars have the power to play god, creating new life.
I was thinking the same thing. Lessons learned from the LaFerrari and all that.
Part of me almost thinks he added an extra zero in there on accident. $10,995 it should be. Of course, I could be wrong, and this guy’s really asking $110K for it. Which is more insane than the lovechild of Gary Busey and Charles Manson.
Absolutely an NP.
I really, really don’t want to vote CP on this, but I can’t justify $14K over this.
Don’t even need to do that - the car will do it anyway.
It’s $400. Honestly.
I like when votes are nice and easy.
Guesses for what I have:
Honestly, I completely forgot Panoz was still a thing. By that I mean making road-going cars. Last I heard of them in doing so was the Abruzzi.
This has to be a holdout from the FnF era.
I’m sure it’s been said down here already, but I think the main problem with this game is just that there’s nothing but a monotonous grind after you get to a certain point. It went from “I can’t wait for the next Showcase!” to “sigh....only 23 more championships to go.” There’s a lot to do in this game, but there’s…
Every time someone posts this video, I must star it.
Saw a clean, stock Eagle Talon TSi in a strip mall parking lot recently. I live in the rust belt too.
That Conquest....my wallet says no, my heart says yes, my brain is choosing to abstain.