No desire to create BS name here

Red Bull promo girls would randomly come to the first mall I worked at and go store to store handing drinks out to employees and I took crazy advantage of them. They’d ask how many people were working and I’d be like “Oh there’s four...teen. They’re just all in the back right now. And they all prefer sugar-free.

But she was drugged and forced into porn, guys! And into molding various parts of her body into sex toys! And her new webcam service! And whatever part of her body she sells next!*

I can’t tell if “tourist class” is the funniest or most offensive thing I’ve ever heard.

I asked because if *I* did that my orgasm would fade away and I would end up frustrated and sad.

Helloo...Lifetime Movies are on the channel for women. Ludicrous! There aren’t any channels for men!

I don't know about you all but this is authentic to me because I have literally never gone to a festival without my pair of smoothie cups. They are essential.

My son and I were watching cartoons over breakfast the other day, and Bratz were being heavily advertised. One ad had them posing with selfie sticks, small dogs and, like, Kylie Jenner lip kits. The next had them accessorised for studying abroad in Russia, with impressively upholstered boots and “secret jewels” hidden

Isn’t putting Kendrick Lamar on your track like a cheat code? You could just shit on a track and add a K-Dot feature and half the population would debate if it is top 5.

God that’s awful, I’m sorry!

Sadly I think this is a surface has been scratched situation....I have a feeling there’s a lot more creepy headed our way.

They're all such caricatures of themselves already....

Too right. And wtf is wrong in your brain that this poor dude reads as “appealing sexual partner” for you?

Not fucking long enough.

THIS. I haven’t spoken to my mother in 8 years and every six months or so, a story drifts back to me about why we don’t speak. And it’s always a lie. My Dad poisoned my mind (nope), Hubs wanted to alienate me from my family so I’d love his more (HAHAHAHAHA), and my personal favorite, she was sick and couldn’t come to

Unfortunately true. It does with me, at least, because I know the pain that it caused in my own brother’s life. And my other brother’s mother gave up on raising him when he was about 13, just dropped him off with my mom and dad, and never came back to get him! Both genders doing it disgusts me.

My dad stopped making excuses. My mother hasn't.

Which is so true of Matt’s sperm donor. When he met his half brother, he got the straight dope- the guy would meet him every three years at Denny’s if he was lucky and hand him a wad of cash and disappear to jail or Tijuana or wherever. Matt is better off with Dad raising him, as hard as it took him to come to come to

Amen to that.

I’m just trying to find some good in awful situations. I’d rather my mom hadn’t been abused, but out of that nastiness came my brother, and I know that I, nor my mother, wouldn’t trade him for anything in the world.

My dad left my wife for a younger woman and announced the divorce without my mom around. He moved out of state. He sued his place of work once and caused a huge shitstorm. He didn’t go to my sisters wedding because he didn’t like the guy.