No desire to create BS name here

Headline should read: Channing Tatum throws cash to pacify Jenna Dewan Tatum with something to do

I watched the first episode of Roadies on demand. AWFUL! Turned it off about halfway through feeling super depressed and confused about Luke Wilson. I love him and have no clue how/why her career has turned to shit. Those who say he and Owen don't have talent are idiots. Bottle rocket is one of the greatest movies of

He has a girlfriend?? Thought he was gay. Thought he was for real, out of the closet “here I am world” gay. Who is this silly woman that thinks he is into vaginas??

Even if one of the adults wasn’t working, did they think that person would never leave their home? WTF?

He portrayed it as if 2 of the 3 were not from that relationship but maybe a donor situation.

Maybe you should’ve read the FIRST LINK before taking such an opinionated stance on reading the linked articles.

So he denied having 2 of his children and a wife? And was stupid enough to use his name and pic in the newspaper doing it?? And why aren't these ladies worried about STDs from this stranger? Sperm banks screen pretty sure Starbucks and Target don't.

Right! Also, I don’t see anywhere stating her learning disability hindered her from the know how of calling the police either. Seems like she was pretty proficient at texting.

First, trouble with retention could just be something as minor as poor reading comprehension. Second, she had no trouble “retaining” the details she found beneficial to her. She also understood “cause and effect” enough to not only immediately defend herself but to round up previous teachers from her school days to do

Sad to say that in Nashville it is this stupid Elvis.

This is so sad. You can’t blame the parents if a warning wasn’t posted other than “no swimming”. There is a huge difference between “no swimming” and “alligator infested”. They were not swimming. The biggest issue other than proper warning is in FL (mostly tourist) people feed alligators. You rarely hear about an

I'm local too. Not only is that the claim even with a video as evidence where he is instructing others on their actions like he is directing a porn but note his trial was moved to Menphis yet Corey Batey was retried here in Nashville. $$$$$ matters.

Let’s just pretend that this place is not a “pray the gay away” place that it is to treat is in a shitty east Texas town that would undoubtedly cause depression. It is next to another shitty Texas town that I personally lived in and while there I had never known such depression could exist. Everyone

Better yet who the hell would wanna be the patient???

I watch because it's a total shit parade.

I actually think the edit tons of bad shit out. They edited Amber’s drug use out and obviously have tried to cover up Leah’s. Come on, anxiety wasn't making her fall asleep nearly dropping her newborn niece or nephew.

The cookout was to celebrate one year “anxiety" free. Lol

Middle name: roll

I just laughed out loud. My God, I hope that Olive Garden thing is the truth.

I think she had her nose done, fillers, lips done and veneers. (That is just the face stuff.)