No desire to create BS name here

They used to come with the wooden “spoons”.

Wanna be best friends?

Agree! Also, those same people mastaurbate to What to Expect when you’re expecting. Scariest shit I've ever read.

So true! Are you in Nashville? They reopened fairly quickly in comparison to Blue Bell too. (I realize they are much smaller too.) I don’t care who goes to prison because they deserve it however I LOVE Blue Bell!!! My home state had it (Deep South but not Texas) and I was pretty upset when I realized (after moving)

Did the casting crew go out of their way to find a group pretty much made of exclusively annoying, awful human beings? Obviously, this guy takes the cake but Lea Michelle and all the rest are awful too just on a totally different scale. (One not involving child porn.)

Does every family not have gold guilding on the walls? It is super casual the way they meticulously arranged the blanket and enormous stuffed animal on the couch. That polar bear looks as if it is intently listening to what I am sure is a fascinating conversation.

How to get an abortion in Texas: tell them the fetus committed a murder. Texas loves the death penalty. Bonus: no real evidence needed.

Jeremy Renner really a looks rough in that picture.

Blood was not tested at the point she had the transfusion so her hepatitis was not proving your point.

But if you wouldn’t want a gay **gasp** man’s blood even with it being tested and cleared then you don’t deserve the medical intervention anyway. Breaking news bulletin for you: a lot of the very doctors and nurses that you would want to save you are also gay men. So your theory is they should risk their own health by

First, all blood is tested to prevent the spread of illness. Second, plenty of HIV patients are straight. My whole point is HIV doesn’t discriminate who it infects. All blood should be tested (as it is) and who cares where it came from. The logic of excluding a whole group of people based on stereotypes or biased

I guess they don't want to take away from their death penalty fund. That is their real pride and joy.

This is crazy!!! I lived for a short period of time in a shit hole Texas town that literally had billboards warning of HIV dangers and also another series to encourage guys to be present, decent fathers. Obviously both were enough of a local issue that they needed to billboards. The only other billboard I remember

I’ve never understood why they havent allowed this? It is so disgusting and offensive! (A) if I or someone I love is in desperate need of life saving blood then it would never cross my mind to think, “wait!! What was the donor’s sexual orientation??” (B) don’t they realize people could lie if they wanted anyway and


Someone that knows how, please post that dumb ass, wide eyed surprise face Steve Harvey does all the time!!!

My little brother’s favorite move with feminine hygiene products was from ages of 2-3 to constantly get into my mother’s light day pantiliners, peel the paper off and stick them all over the bathroom walls and door. (Inside and outside) He would then yell, “I decorated!!!” over and over again with tremendous pride and

I agree completely. I wish I still had a sense of magic and innocence. I, like most adults, instead am jaded and suspicious of everyone.

Agreed. Looking back I’m not sure why I wanted a gold tooth so bad but as a kid I couldn’t imagine anything more valuable or fancy. Also, I thought it would be basically a trophy in my mouth of what a disciplined bad ass I was and total class.

My school did that too in 4th grade and the hilarious rumor was that during this time the boys had a talk also but their “treat bag” was filled with condoms. It still cracks me up.