
FYI, some of the Amazon reviews for these products are pretty terrible.  Seems like there are lots of connection issues and the bulbs rely on Eufy servers for connectivity. I’m sure these are popular due to price, but perhaps the quality isn’t quite on par with something like Philips Hue...

FYI, some of the Amazon reviews for these products are pretty terrible.  Seems like there are lots of connection

I may be misremembering, but wasn’t there something about hackers digging into the digital releases and finding an emulator underlying them?

In my case, I use my PS2 atm; but PS1 games don’t work with component cables so my PS2's still on a composite cable. Plus, should my older consoles break down, replacements will only get scarcer over time.

Pretty sure the Street Fighter game most people probably haven’t played is Street Fighter 2010: The Final Fight. You know, the one that’s a platformer and set in the “future” were Ken becomes a robot and shoots lasers at pterodactyls?

THAT’S the one! That needs more love and light shined on it.

Yowsers...but New York and a sports car.

And going beyond two day delivery, the delivery itself has become an iffy thing, here in my neighborhood of the UES in Manhattan. Some of the delivery people have taken to leaving packages at the front door of apartment buildings, i.e., on the fucking sidewalk. Or, if you’re lucky, in the vestibule between the

My bigger issue is with the number of times lately when a delivery is supposed to happen on a particular day and tracking even shows it is out for delivery, but then there is an alleged “Attempted Delivery” with some explanation for why delivery could not be completed that I know is B.S. (e.g., “No answer at address”

Battlefront 2 isn’t even VR compatible!?! They just can’t get ride of those disks, apparently?

Battlefront 2 isn’t even VR compatible!?! They just can’t get ride of those disks, apparently?

I would love it, if it had the original snes version which I prefer the soundtrack over the remaster

They really should’ve turned 3P0's “mince” dial down a few notches before sending him in. 

Yeah, I started to make a joke about how he only showed up because it was to keep him from babbling to everyone while R2 was gone, then I edited something and forgot to put it back in.

How about a shout out to how diverse Jabba the Hutt’s gang was. Jabba was woke!

They knew that they couldn’t storm Jabba’s palace, so the plan was to get everyone inside the palace and take it down.

I WOULD ask them why they didn’t get a ZL1 and when they mention “too expensive” or “terrible fuel economy”, just nod knowingly and chuckle.

Your lady experiences seem bad, sorry to hear it.

Camaro owner: “Why didn’t you get a V8?”

I have the same issue on the Mustang side. I bought a 2015 v6 auto convertible with 19k miles on it. I like the RWD, top down, and still have to ferry children around (so no miata..). It was a used rental, therefore I could afford it. It still drives very nicely, gets great mileage, and I’ve put 40k miles on it in the

...So why didn’t you get the V8?

none taken, the modern V6 is nothing to shake a stick at. It sucks to have to “explain” your car like that (btw I totally get the “why not get a ZL1?” sometimes).