Oh, I thought when I read that headline you were talking about the classic Fleischer Bros version (or at least the nine they worked on):
Oh, I thought when I read that headline you were talking about the classic Fleischer Bros version (or at least the nine they worked on):
NY has a front plate requirement as well. A client of my got a ticket for not having one on his early model Viper. He ended up hanging one off the front bumper with wire, which looked atrocious.
Street Fighter used to be like this too. The computer never had to emulate human inputs, so it could fire off supers at-will. I have no idea how old you are, or if you’ve had a lot of vanilla Street Fighter 2 experience, but endgame SF2 AI is fucking brutal at the cheat. Here’s a pretty good discussion on it.
I missed the original call for the stories... I think mine is pretty good.
Im with you here. But there ARE cool ideas for Parker.
I’m not worried about that. I’m envisioning something more like you play as Peter while he’s assigned to go take pictures of an event for the Bugle, but a super villain causes chaos. You’re forced to try and save lives amongst the chaos, but without doing it as Spidey. You’d have to navigate an ever-increasingly crazy…
But that’s the thing, Insomniac NAILED the controls for a character like Spider-Man in Sunset Overdrive. I have a feeling much of that game’s movement is being ported over to this game (a lot of the animations are the same, even from what we’ve seen), and thus will give us some Peter-starring segments we’ve never seen…
Exactly. And it’s versatile. Works with Google Home as well for example.
Exactly. And it’s versatile. Works with Google Home as well for example.
I also have this one, and along with that, it dims and brightens my Hue bulbs and can control my ceiling fan.
I also have this one, and along with that, it dims and brightens my Hue bulbs and can control my ceiling fan.
My guess is it will be game by game not full BC. That would require far too much tech and would be hard to get right. But unlike Nintendo MS does good releasing new titles fast instead of a trickle
Hopefully Sid Meir’s Pirates makes the cut.
So will this just be digital versions or can I load up my discs?
I see what you’re saying, but I stand by my point that people exhibited a huge overreaction about a movie remake, claiming that the new version would somehow taint the original(s), and thus have a childhood ruining effect. The Dirty Dancing remake has been in the works for a couple of years, and we didn’t see any of…
Cars 2 tie in was supposedly good.
Try finishing Battletoads, then come talk to me.
My only concern is that everyone only has one special move. In the fight you had online you pulled out the flash special twice . That can get old quick. I miss the day of multiple specials or finishers
Ghosts & Goblins and its various incarnations in the Arcade. Could also add Space Quest, Dragons Lair 1/2 and Mortal Kombat.
Ssf2 Revival was identical to the other versions of ssf2t except Akuma was playable without doing the code (if I recall). His movements were the same as it was in ssf2t
Oh agreed. Don’t take it as my calling out the franchise for putting out weak versions. Each one has different feel and features to it, and it’s still one of the best feeling fighting games ever made.