
Same here. I honestly cannot remember the last time I had to fiddle with anything other than controller or display configurations on a pc game. They still crash on occasion, sure, but so do console games. My Ps4 crashes just as, if not more-often. Hell, not even just running games... their store and dashboard both used

For the most part, yes. Some storefronts like GoG offer legitimate DRM-free purchases where the only use for the client after install is updating games. or viewing your collection, but the vast, vast majority of other storefronts require you not only use their software to purchase, install, and update your games, but

Great read, and I agree 100%. It’s the most deliberate and mind-game focused version of any SF out there, relying way less on twitch reflexes and combo memorization, and wholly on execution and reading your opponent.

I’m still surprised that a bigger deal hasn’t been made of the fact that the 30th Collection is the

Same here. It can be likened to Dive Kick in that way. You’re playing more against a person’s mind and a strategy, and less against reflexes and combo memorization. Things I appreciate even more as I get older and have zero chance against battling when it’s a teenage kid on the other side of the screen.

One of many wonderful glitches in this version, and one of the main reasons I am still completely obsessed with playing it. After 20 years with a cabinet in my living room I can do Guile’s magic throw about 3 times in a row now. Heh, I’ve seen videos of people pulling it off successively more times than that, but it’s

Mostly. It used the architecture and shared some of the same hardware (same type of GPU, CPU, same optical reader, etc), but Naomi had way, way more memory, so the games had to be super optimized when ported. The (old as balls) PC in my MAME cabinet can just about run DC games at a playable speed, but most Naomi stuff

Hah, I love amazingly myopic thinking like this... You apparently don’t realize that some of us have all of the consoles and have a gaming PC as well. Assuming you don’t “need” one just because you have a (n often comparatively underpowered) console is no different than thinking you don’t need a Ps4 if you have a

I know you have to validate a digital game’s licence (on PSN for example) before you can play it, but I was under the impression that once that game is validated on your Primary account, it does not expire that licence. It’s admittedly been a while since I’ve tried it, but I have definitely had a lapse in internet

That’s not entirely true... I mean, in the one sense, yes, you never “own” any games at all; when you buy a title you are only purchasing a limited licence to play it on a particular platform for the life of the delivery system of the content. (Disk, DL service, etc.) That is actually expanding nowadays further than

I’ve admittedly never tried it, but from what I understand you can’t actually complete the game if you select Easy for every stage. I believe it’s intended as more of an assist for allowing you to learn the patterns (and replay the stage on normal) than it is an actual way to play through the entire game.


Guy’s a hell of an artist for sure and I don’t mean to take anything away from him in the least, but I don’t know how rare or overwhelmingly difficult of a problem this is, at least anecdotally anyway... I worked as an artist for years being colorblind, and met many other people in related fields who also were

Said this above, and I don’t know how universally accepted it is, but I have always understood color deficiency to be considered a part of a larger “colorblind” umbrella term.

I always refer to myself simply as colorblind (despite not actually suffering from acromatposia/monochromacy), and I’m not convinced that’s

The thing is, I highly doubt most people would understand what I meant if I said,I have color-vision deficiencies”, and I really don’t think it’s quite as black and white (no pun intended) as you’re making it out to be...

I have been referring to it simply as colorblindness since I was first diagnosed as a child, and

Yeah, I ordered it from Amazon myself, and I’m really not feeling super-confident about that. They have failed me on pre-orders on more than a few occasions, and somehow I doubt there are a shit-ton of these packages to go around...

It’s true, but it’s not really the CD costing that. They put together an entire audio/video package for it. (Likely since few would buy a CD if they didn’t.)

It’s a pile of stuff, including a screen with some kind of visual content, a speaker, a digital code for the album , some art, etc...

Probably a lot of truth to that... Maynard was on the Rogan show last week and made it pretty clear he’s been trying to talk the other guys into going streaming for awhile and they were dragging ass on it. To be fair to them though, from the numbers I’ve seen, the money bands get from it is pathetic.

Yeah, that and the general artistry of Adam’s/their packaging was 90% of the reason I bought it. The other 10 just being that I bought all the others and even though they are all in a closet somewhere... I’d still know I didn’t have one. ;)

Paid $48 to pre-order the CD... Don’t have a CD player.

Because games are too large now to load directly into RAM. They have to be swapped/streamed from another source of memory as you play, and optical media is too slow to accomplish that. Reading from an HDD is 4-6 times faster than from a BluRay.

If that’s “why” you’re still buying disks. Stop. Those days have passed.


So. Much. This. It’s the part that completely befuddles me about this entire hubbub. I could understand if it was a specific fatality or character you wanted or something, but just this generic “I hate that I can’t immediately unlock everything” mentality, when 98% of it is probably mostly meaningless to the person