
Hah, yeah... I’m a software developer. Precisely why the single last thing I want to do when I get home is look at another computer.

First though, Wii sales had exactly zero to do with hardware concerns; people bought them because they offered a new experience not available anywhere else, and they tapped into the

Exactly. That’s an extremely limited view, and one has nothing to do with the other. I buy digital games because there’s no loss in quality, but that is not even remotely the case with movies.

I have a 155" 1080p screen/projector and 7.1 surround sound. There is a HUGE difference to both video & audio quality on BD

Said it above, will say it again. This is an extremely personal take on it that does not hold up (albeit, anecdotally) to the people I know in the slightest.

We simply don’t want to play games on PC; many of us in our 30s and 40s did that stuff years ago through the PC hardware boom and have zero interest in going

Werd. I’m totally one of these people, and I know quite a few others like me.

I did PC gaming years ago. I’m done. I just want plug & play games with no configuration, no hassle, and I never want to install another computer component ever again... I also want the best graphics I can possibly get, and the cost is

Matter of age/perspective I suppose... I have close family who fought in wars, and I also live in NY, which is not that far removed from losing thousands of innocent civilians due to conflict...

I’m not suggesting we shouldn’t try to look at situations like this with empathy, or try to assist in whatever way we can,

Hundreds of years? Uhh... I think your timeline might be slightly off there.

It probably varies based on the app, but I still see it all the time using Netflix through Playstation, and I’m pretty sure it’s still after 3 episodes.

It’s super-frustrating for me personally, as I like to leave the TV on while I fall asleep. In conjunction with a Plasma TV that is very prone to text burn-in, it

Batman is top of the line for immersion for sure... I don’t know exactly what that game is doing that others mostly aren’t, but it’s unmatched in that respect. That initial moment where you’re going down into the Batcave on the elevator... I literally felt that in my stomach. I’m still waiting for another game to do

HyperVoid isn’t particularly great at immersion, I just like the visuals and it’s a nice throw-back arcade shoot-em-up. I would probably say it’s my least favorite in any of the ones I listed there, I just happened to buy it a couple days ago, so it’s fresh on my mind, and for what they charge for it, I think it’s

Fair enough, but again, I think you’re super missing the boat here based on what you said in there. There are just so many amazing experiences on there that you didn’t touch on... I’m with you that X-Wing and Batman (and Call of Duty) were special cases in that they were “AAA” titles, so they have that flash to them,

Hahah, did the exact. same. thing. Just bought it like 2 weeks back on Ps4, paid like $15 I think. Even at the time I kept saying, “no, just wait, it’s going to come out for Android, you’d rather have it there...” Then I caved.

Sad thing is, I’ll probably just buy it again... The GTA ports on Android just look so much

Thing is, perception is an important part of this too, and posts like this here are not exactly helping that in some respects.

To be blunt, while I know you didn’t say it specifically, it was implied... but there is simply no truth to there being no games for PsVR. It’s easily one of the most supported hardware

Uh, I’m not arguing how disturbing this woman’s experience was here for a second, or even remotely debating for one moment that Leonard Cohen wasn’t stinking amazing in every capacity imaginable (so far as I’m aware), but you might not want to include Prince in your antithesis to Trump list...

He was a devout Christian

To be fair, that’s not really how Sony “does it” either... Yeah, they have some cross-buy titles, but those are usually indies, and I can assure you I’ve re-bought the same digital games across Ps3, Vita, and Ps4 on more than one occasion...

Obviously if it’s a remaster or something, of course, but even when it’s not,

Hah, yeah well, after playing though it, my first thought was, “More, I want more! Why isn’t there more than this?!” But actually, I get exactly why it is what it is...

It would have been nice if they’d padded the VR stuff out a bit more with some nostalgia stuff; a Death Star run, maybe some lightsaber battling,

Well actually, SW BF and BF2 were both super-awesome as well. Shouldn’t sell them short... Even still though, I’ve probably played just about every SW game ever made, and this one is definitely in the upper-echelon...

It’s really unfortunate how poorly it was received. A couple of gameplay tweaks (being able to get in

Well, I don’t doubt that held up against more competent, feature-rich MP shooters it doesn’t fare very well, but strictly evaluated as a SW game, by a casual FPS-fan, it’s actually really good. Probably the best SW-themed shooter ever made?

Same here. I dragged it out to play the new VR mission, and when that 15 (admittedly awesome) minutes were up, I went back and played some of the single player stuff, and was rather pleasantly surprised.

All the bile and negativity surrounding it on release had somewhat colored me at the time, on what is actually a

Was literally the most defining one on my mind while reading through this entire article. Crying shame that they didn’t put this trailer in the DVD/BluRay features. It remains one of the best I’ve ever seen.

No doubt. I’ve always liked the Zen Pinball stuff, but could never find a camera angle that I didn’t feel was in some way hampering me from playing my best.

The VR version is simply, just like playing a table in real life... albeit with a whole bunch of stuff flying up out of the table, making it awesome-er.

Does the