No Clu For You

I love how we are starting to use QR codes more now, When I was in Japan they were everywhere and very convenient for looking up information. I Love em and am thrilled people are starting to recognize what they are more over here! Can't wait til we see them on more products for easy look ups on the internet. Bar code

@geesejuggler: You Mean Tommy the Green,Red,White,Black Ranger.... tommy Was All of the Rangers!

Who else enjoyed the little easter egg when Fry steps out of the Land titanic there is a can of Anchovies on the ground! I Love Futurama

@Whizkid103: I have to agree, I don't get the shocking nature of this. This is a Rockstar Game that had raving reviews since its first preview... For a Mature Game, has it done surprisingly well, Maybe.... but at the end of the day it was going to be a success...

@JabbaB: I think the idea is against kids purchasing violent games not the extinction of them...

Did I hear this right he is 82 and he has 60 more years to make inventions?

I don't get everyone who is calling the Videographer a perv? This is Gizmodo. There are hundreds of posts of half naked girls in CosPlay that we all enjoy looking at. There is a girl in the middle of Time Square in what could be considered booty shorts in the positions that she is in, and someone filmed a photo shoot

@somekindarobit: I get it is just showing dates but it doesn't tell me what the basis of the movies are, Box Office I assume but still, The only key is the year and Even that is based on a sliding color scale which is hard to interpret if you don't know the exact year. Overall Bad Chart make a new one :)

@WookieLifeDay: I'm glad it's just not me I'm looking at trying to figure out how to read this...and nothing... It's like one of those flow charts that the only person who understands how to read it is the one who made it and thinks everyone is stupid for not getting it.

@CptnGrammar: Your probably right but i think it is also important to look at where we have come from not so long ago. Look at the First round of Razr phones they were shooting in VGA and we thought at that time that was amazing. I don't have an iPhone but it is incredible what we are doing with phones today that that

I am just wondering who the Pube was that went tot he board and was like "He we forgot to regulate cell phone games." I love Aus just as much as the next person and I am sure many residents agree, this is absolutely ridiculous standards that they have over there when it comes to their games.

There are very few things in my week that top your True Blood Reviews Thank you! Next Weeks True Blood is going to be awesome!

I have never been so upset to not see the front of a picture.... (1)

@Slagathorian: Stand tall and shake the heavens...: Yes I believe that was what he was getting at. A Movie based in the real world with Video Game reference, quite funny at that, and you read Kotaku and don't like it....did that clear it up for you?

@wombatmanperson: Thats what i dont get. Typed casted or not Michael Cera nails the rolls he is in.... Whiney Nerd, That is his thing and he plays it beautifully. I don't get the Michael Cera Hate. I'm going to go watch Superbad!

@wirebrain: In my hometown SPvTW only had a theater with about 40 seats in it while the Eat Pray Love had the large theater with half the audience filled. This movie was destined to get screw in some of the smaller cities

@Malorkis: I am sitting here right now thinking the same thing. I have to go see it again, maybe my $10 will help in some way