@jandlecack: This movie is great for everyone and there is no way it is for hipsters, I'm not a hipster and i loved it
@jandlecack: This movie is great for everyone and there is no way it is for hipsters, I'm not a hipster and i loved it
@Koda89: I can't believe i am about to say this but i sort of agree. I hate 3d but if only for those extra tid bits of texts and some of the graphix coming out of the screen i have to agree that might of been kind of cool :)
@Romeo Acoba Jr: Man I thought that was great and it set the movie up for me to be good. I loved it!
@hameed67: He was great in it, and it's a shame you don't see it because of that... he may play the same role (dorky kid) but he kills that role
@TheFirstBardo: Like the scene where they "Share" a blanket i was not upset about that at all :)
@wicked.nightingale: He's Either in a band or named George Michael LoL
I just saw this movie and epic is a great way to describe. This whole summer i have been waiting for a decent summer flick and towards the last remaining days we get one. Thank you Movie Gods!
@Parge_Lenis: Did you make million in the last two years, no? then you probably are, J/K. I'm sure it wasn't a stab at you but looking at the youth today with everything they have at their disposable they would rather be sexting and posting half naked pictures to each other then utilizing the potential that a lot of…
@kuba.la: PLease at 17 and he already has over 2,000,000 he will be getting laid more then you and I very soon! Women love the money!
@DeekoVB5: Bloggers aren't journalist, and the ones that claim to be...well usually aren't.
I was hoping when we found the oldest rocks and mantle it would have gods Handprint in it with his initials and a date....I mean we did that at my house when we put in the new driveway...
@Arken: Finally Someone who understands. I thought I was the only one who knew about this!
@cfive3: YEah it is good, you just don't get HD Quality, In fact I believe only Xbox gets the HD. But as far as watching its your standard definition DVD quality on a good connection...
@SparklyJesus: Yeah this is probably more for the person who hasn't jumped to gamyfly or netflix yet and was on the fence with the whole mail in media. I know Being a blockbuster member I will utilize this by getting some of the older games and games that I have already traded in back to Gamestop another go at...
@Jeff: Netflix streaming is just too beautiful!
@SparklyJesus: It's a good idea to keep it actually because Blockbuster is amazing at grandfathering in. So if lets say in year they decide to add new games for a fee there is a good chance you wont be charged. I am one of the luck few who still has unlimited turn in to the Block buster store with 4 movies out. A…
@Squalor: To simply prefer it because it is apple isn't sound judgment and i am being a hypocrite because i have an ipad, who really need that. But if you are on ATT and have the cash to burn why not get an iphone but to cancel a plan and switch to ATT to get the phone i think is poor judgement because at this place…
@gwlaw99: Exactly! Capping puts my decision at a complete hault. Because weather I am going to use it or not I don't want someone telling how much I can use. There should always be a reasonable unlimited plan, and if you network is over crowded expand. If you don't have money to expand I can't believe that because…
@whatne1wuddo: I have to agree the freedom that variety in other countries it is usually cheaper. Sometimes the phones you can get in other countries, although not as many features, look cooler then the ones we have here, I liked trying out the other networks in Europe...
As Much as I love the Beatles I think it is a good thing that Steve Jobs doesn't get everything he wants.