No Clu For You

@LTMP: You are Probably right, but at the same time there is not censoring to my knowledge (Could be Wrong) to Android apps. So it goes two Fold. On one hand Android developers may lose money because of the refund practice, but on the other hand they have a lot more freedom and less hurdles to get their product out

@LTMP: Nice in Theory? You have 24 hours to return an app in the Android Marketplace if it is buggy or doesn't work like it should. Looks like Android is still trying to pleases the Customer a little a more than Apple... I'm just sayin

I believe I was one of the 6 People who enjoyed Gamer, but I think the game play (Minus using actual humans) was awesome as time goes on and as the perfect this playing first person shooters like this could be kind of cool, but only time will tell how it is implemented.

@GizmodoNiall: Android has a Great App for Facebook Chat one that I can run in the background and don't need to have Facebook up to use. Sometimes I want to be able to have the ability to use Facebook Chat and maybe play a game. Both are running and I don't need to be in Facebook to do it...

@djscruffy: Dang it you took my comment! LoL I can't wait for the babel fish

@jamescobalt: He doesn't use a whole tub of wax on a single car... I read an interview about him a couple months ago..

@cormack: I am not talkinga bout my songs, I am mainly reffering to playlist and the organization that fall into that..

@Nitesh Singh: Same thing happened to me but mine was last week. I am a Prime Member so I don't know if that matters but a simple email and everything was taken care of no worries

@Tyrunn: I am going Little Off topic But Dune 2 was amazing!

@Tyrunn: It is probably the way it renders the video after shot. I was thinking the same thing, how can you just turn it on, seems a bit fishy. But there must be a data break down post, or now during that allows for better sharpness and resolution...

@D.LYTE: I have to agree since Winamp doesn't sync (or I never tried) Itunes is where everything is stored unfortunately. Either way for the iPhone people who boast about syncing with iTunes this is moot now so another victory for Android..

@FredicvsMaximvs: SINGLE MOST GREATEST RESPONSE EVER! LoL Anytime you can work in a Big Trouble in Little China Quote is like the aligning of the stars... thank you!

@FuzzysFriedChicken: Same here I just got back from Japan and everyone had these on their phones. Like full kiosk devoted to selling these. I Just don't get it!

@iroqDmullet: Root in other countries means to be bang or have sex with...

@blackcat12: I think your right. Why take out the pasties app if you going to leave the sports illustrated swimsuit app in there.

@Soniking: I agree. When I saw the first glimpse of it the only thing I could think of is Ninja Gaiden with a Gun. Erratic movement now fluidity. I hope I am wrong and it will be a cool game..

@oogabubchub: I love tits and Giz can show as many as they want.

@blackcat12: I have to respectfully disagree with you. Just because it is your company you cannot do whatever you want with it, ie not allow blacks to eat at your restaraunt. And allthoug I agree with freedom of business acts sensoring books is the most absurd thing ever.

@Hello Mister Walrus: If you get a magazine delivered to your house the amount of information systems can pull from you adress alone is unbelievable. They can look how man people live there, ages, race, incomes, all of that. It is basically census Program that can pull all that data based on who is subscribing. If