No Clu For You

@Supremor: How come? The current out cry from facebook users has deemed a new outlet necessary. I for one agree that facebook is just fine. However recent events have proved you and me wrong...Just another way for slutty girls to put up slutty picture...I am ok with it...

@rewards: Your right but what movies studies don't understand is that it wasn't just the 3d it was the whole visual spectacle. These half ass atempts at making 3d movies is really irritating. I do not need to see Step Up in 3D! Come on!

@atrus123: You have to remember that it has been 12-13 years and what a lot of people are reviewing are the fitst couple of missions that are basically learner missions. I think once the online play and I go deeper into the story it is going to be as epic as I dreamed of!

I feel like no Major Science efforts should be made in 2010 just in case the mayans were correct. We do not need a whole being ripped in the fabric of space and time right before christmas do we?

@Segador: I have to believe, and of course this is my tiny earth brain concieving this, that that property of physics is most like universal, now the understanding and ideas to manipulate thos properties that is where we would fall short. If for a second we could imagine a feasable way to bend gravity and move space

@8x10: ... Stop me if you heard this before...

@The Captain: It goes to show you how easy it is to take a piece of an article and make someone look like a complete idiot. Always read things in context. Thank you Captain!

I guess the resale Value on the Death Star was not as good as he hoped... Damn you Housing Crisis!!!!

@BulletProofVess: I was just thinking the same thing. I thought I was missing something. Why would people buy this?

@not_a_virus.exe.vbs: I Just LoL'd, But on serious not there are alot of small towns that don't have broadband, my Gparents are using Dial up still, not by choice mind you...

Wouldn't you want to make the glow Sticks then the LSD, I just know once you are on LSD making glow sticks is out of the question.

@skitchieffis: You are so right people automatically think, "More MegaPixels = Better" and that is not always the case. functionality is extremely important. Sensoring, focus, filters, and controls are about 70% of what makes a camera great. I saw a 12MP Kodak point and shoot for $89.00... that has to tell you

@lurkerbynature: I love how you put up "other trivial things" because i agree to an extend that our lives are riddled with and excess amount of trivial nonsense and having a company add one more seems a bit unnecessary. So I agree with you to an extent. I would have to say though about 50% of the stuff people do

@Canon7D-Fanboy: They will probably do it with an update. Do a search and Destroy the next time you try and update the phone. I could totally see that happening!

@akumaserge: That is because Rush is the Greatest Band of All time

I dont get people and their distaste for facebook. I use facebook casually it doesn't control my life and it lets me keep in contact with friends that I have. People who complain and "hate" the site should stop using it no one makes you use facebook or Myspace and 10 years ago there was neither and we all were fine.

Sam and Max Hit The road is Still My Favorite if that hit the iPad I would be thrilled I know it wont though

@Jonn: This isn't personal private information this is how to guide if you want to back something up. To compare the two is absolutely ridiculous. My Credit card information and how to make a DVD backup are so different...

What I hate About this is the fact that they are comparing Wii Fit. I have a wii for casual gaming and I never want or have had the Wii Fit. The Wii is going to be the best motion gaming unit for money out there that is hands down.