No Clu For You

@mlmike25: I have to disagree, this movie was amazing in a sea of filth that has been released this summer (Toy Story 3 excluded) So far this is the breath of fresh air that I was hoping for, for my summer movie going experience. I liked the way it made you think and played with your head it was original and fun. Kept

@Jonn: Sometimes it is as easy as that..

It is pretty pathetic that I can read this so called "review," then I have to read through the dozens of comments to actually get information about the phone. This review was a complete fail, (not the product the writing) and you should be ashamed as claiming it to be as such. If you are going to write a review of a

@Robotic-Richard-Simmons: There is no denying intellegence lol! I feel however that Freedom of speech no matter what the case is important. I mean look ath te CD-R DVD-R indusrty, isn't that really for pirating movies, or backing up just like in this case? I am just trying to figure out what is ok and what is not. Is

@Robotic-Richard-Simmons: If everyone was concerned with what info would do in the wrong hands we would still be in the dark ages. People can't be censored because someone might use the information for bad. ie, we should of never invented the internet because people could steal others information... It just doesn't

I was just thinking if they made one of these for the 4g How it would look with the HD Video, It could be kind of sweet.

@kylecpcs: This wasn't a Troll comment it is a fact. It's funny to me t about how much Apple wants nothing to do with Gizmodo but they are still trying to suckle the teet or Senor Jobs...

@goldfarb: You are right, even though they go hand in hand it is important to realize the amount of money that can be made or lost in publishing. I say sacrafice for the first piece and be creative once you can hold some credibility.

@Seasonone: I have to agree actually. I don't find this to be racist. But when I first started reading it I thought to my self, 'It's like he is researching animals.' That being said is the writer racist no, naive and maybe not well rounded, most likely.

IS it just me or is this game now ninja Gaiden with a gun?

@Badlands99: I have to agree, Apple holds no responsibility to uphold a since of fair an balance on their own forum. If it was my company I would do the same thing. Feel free to talk about the flaws and what is wrong with it but you don't need to do it on Apple's website, their are hundreds of forums already doing it

@ch3burashka: If Lindsay Lohan, had discovered it, if Bono researched it the impoverished plains of Africa, and if Bill O'Reilly put it on his chalk board then you would have the news going crazy.

The comments from last week where all about how Futurama was doing social and issues and trends from today and people were upset with that, IMO that is what makes this show great. Last nights episode had me laughing so hard. The show is exactly how I remember it (I may have just watched season 1-5 in the last couple

These scientist aren't just positive they are going in the right direction, they are HIV Positive...

Although petty I say good, Apple was suing HTC over patent infringment over, using a hand gesture to unlock a phone. Apple sometimes needs to be put into place and I hope Microsoft wins.

I Guess for me I don't care if people see my full name or not. Now anything more than a name that is where my issues are. I do not believe the is going to be a slippery slope. I actually hope that this allows for more constructive discussion and not the nonsense we have been seeing.

@Slinkytech: I have to agree, If by some grace of anything holy they end up making a second one I pray M. Night is not behind it.

@interkin3tic: We need to ban some parents from having kids that's what I think!

@Limbero: I have to agree and what is going to happen in 5 years when it is off the air again people wiill be talking about how amazing these episodes were!

@HardwareWars: I have to call Winner on this on I litterally LOL'd