@Theoutlet: I Hope and Hope some more that if they make a second one someone else tackles it, (I doubt that will happen.) Half of what made the show great was the mixture of comedy and animated action, this just seems cheesy and out of place to me.
@Theoutlet: I Hope and Hope some more that if they make a second one someone else tackles it, (I doubt that will happen.) Half of what made the show great was the mixture of comedy and animated action, this just seems cheesy and out of place to me.
@FP_slm788: "Gt vr t nd Spnd sm tm wth yr Fmly, t's jst phn."
@Waffles And Syrup: I have to say that this isthe greatest Response to an Apple Fan-Boy that I have ever read. Hooray for Android powered Tablets!
I truly thought Eye of Judgment was going to change the way we play Battle Cards of any sort, from Magic to Pokemon. It is a shame to see that this technology has not gotten further than Invizimals LoL. I hope something is in the works.
@fyngyrz: Wait Sexuality is only ok if your a Multi Million Dollar Corporation like Playboy or the Swimsuit edition of Sports Illustrated... That's ok!
@Bichatse: Bichaste 0- 1 Tampax
@Mike43110: After this catastrophe I am more than happy to pay more if the government or whomever was truly using that money to invest and research alternative fuels. You gotta spend money to make money and I get that. This is just unbelievable and we cannot afford to have something like this happen again.
Yeah lets try and control the 15-17 year olds who just work their because they like to get high an play video games. Who are we kidding game stop. Your employee's are not the models of society they are kids. Keep the Leakage coming I say because it will!
@Kali Mama: I was thinking the same thing! The "Special Helmet" On obama's head is a little hypocritical! But still funny from the stand point of comedy! Just don't be a hypocrite about it!
in the city of Tucson Arizona we have what is calle da Sonoran Dog, A Bacon Wrapped Hotdog with Peppers onions and mayonnaise and jalepeno sauce It is AmazinG!
@excaliburps: your right Activision might be reading it and you don't want to give them anymore ideas!
@bass28: I agree! I was going to adopt, but Here i am thinking how many more hand helds will come out in the next 2 years! I don't have that type of money to upgrade every 8months!
@aggrostack: I thought they should take it a step further and do like a power glove type set up that would definitely resemble Minority Report and might be kind of cool, Maybe clunky, but I never realized how big the balls on top of the wands were. They are huge..
@BallPtPenTheif: I bet it is a Pepperoni... She looks Hungry :) For Games of course!
Is it just me or is not one of these girls attractive...Epic Fail!
@BallPtPenTheif: I agree, but how scary if that is all it is Greed at its finest...
@NeVeRMoRe666: I agree 100% except for one thing, I was an early PS3 adapter and I got the 60 gig which was 100% backwards compatible. That is the issues sometimes they put things in the initial release that they will take out. I guess you have to weigh the pro's and cons.
I think we have to look at the new game heavy rain. even though there have been many text based decision games like it I feel this is revolutionary. It is going to be exciting to see what games will be like in one, five, or 15 years. I can't Wait!
@Culebra: I have To Agree! Many Booby Apps on the Droid!