Christianity, Podunk-style. I know it all too well.
Christianity, Podunk-style. I know it all too well.
This is the greatest metaphor I've ever heard, I'm crying.
Bernie is basically america’s favorite hoody. A little worn out, totally worn in, too old to care about appearances, and an intrinsic statement on income inequality.
Bernie has always been of that age.
Patriots can make their own here (no non-patriots allowed).
Thanks to the internet, civilians are able to make tools to facilitate civilians’ participation in government.…
Nailed it.
My guess on what really went down:
“Stiffing him by taking the 20 percent off is exactly what he deserved.”
I’m 42, just highly irresponsible.
I can’t remember who but someone recently said, “if Carly Fiorina wants to destroy Planned Parenthood she should volunteer to be it’s CEO.”
Pestilent clownfister Donald Trump did a video Q&A today, and two of the 12 questions he answered were about the…
I don’t want to say she’s a hero(she’s not), but approaching gays outside of their natural habitat(places all people go) is pretty dangerous.
I heard that if they feel threatened, gays can charge and gore you with their horns.*
Except that the only way she could have mitigated that damage would be by violating her personal beliefs and potentially behaving in what she feels in an unethical manner. It doesn’t matter whether you and I agree with her on that. She wanted neither another child nor an abortion, she got birth control sorted out (as…
Well, since she’s the one who’d be getting the abortion, it’s really her personal beliefs that matter in this situation, not yours, isn’t it?